Post here all non technical related topics about Formula One. This includes race results, discussions, testing analysis etc. TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.
David Coultard, Steve Jones, Mark Webber, Murray Walker, Nicolas Hamilton, Ben Edwards,Susie Wolff, Karun Chandhok, Lee McKenzie, Eddie Jordan, Bruno Senna, Alain Prost
nevill3 wrote:Channel four have announced their line up
David Coultard, Steve Jones, Mark Webber, Murray Walker, Nicolas Hamilton, Ben Edwards,Susie Wolff, Karun Chandhok, Lee McKenzie, Eddie Jordan, Bruno Senna, Alain Prost
Noooooooo .. DC what are you thinking !! .. You had the perfect opportunity to ditch the verbal diarrohea machine that is Eddie Jordan. And as a fellow Scot I cringe whenever Susie Wolff talks, she has clearly had elecution lessons at some point recently and its turned her voice into this weird monotone with a slight Scottish accent where she clearly-pronounces-every-single-word.
Glad to see Mark Webber and Murray Walker there though. Bruno Senna and Alian Prost too ?? .. Nice one.
"In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act" .. George Orwell
Not sure if this is on any use to anyone but i thought I would just stick some information up incase it helps any of you.
I up untill December Had skysports F1 as part of my HD bundle so was receiving it free of charge as part of my package. I had good discounts on my sky package so up until then it made sense. However come renewal, despite much haggling the prices being offered were just not as good as they were before, I had sub standard internet giving me like 1-3 mb. So i made a decision to cancel sky and in turn my ability to watch all live F1 Races. But I had a plan....
I had found out that you can watch live streams on Kodi with some unofficial addons. So i decided I would ditch the sky, get a fire stick preloaded with Kodi (aprox £40.00) and watch my F1 through that. Realizing to watch through internet streaming i would need much much better internet speeds i decided to sign up for Fibre Internet.
I chose Talk talk. £17.20 Line rental + Fibre Medium 18 Month contract Total £22.20 Per month including line rental (internet is essential so i do not technically see this as a cost associated to F1.
After trying the kodi stick from November/December to now, I have realized that even having 38 Mbps download speeds and trialling an array of different addons, I realized that the quality was not great, the buffering issues were a killer, (this is using both fire stick and Kodi on a laptop with many setting changed and tweaked). I ended up getting dead links or just real bad quality.
I had come to the point where i was considering adding on to my Talktalk Package sky sports (they have half price for 6 months) Or using Now TV weekend passes(£9.99 or Day passes £6.99).
On researching I found information on a paid IPTV app for Kodi called "Ruya" They do monthly subscriptions of £18.00 (1 month) £45.00 (3 Months) £89.00 (6 Months) £169 (Year) This was still far more than I wanted to pay. However this is the important bit especially if you only want it to watch F1!
They also do a "Trial" this gives you 2 days and costs you £3.00. I have spoken with the developers and they have confirmed you can do this trial as many times as you want! He also confirmed that if you activate it on a Friday it will run until Monday Morning, which is excellent for the F1 schedule. I have taken up a "trial" and the quality is impressive. it is showing in HD. Instant Load, No buffering or stuttering. This is the same for every channel I have tried. (i have only had a short time so cannot say for certain)
I am hoping that this is the key for me to be able to continue to enjoy F1 and at what will be a cost of £30.00 per Year (10 races using this at £3.00 & the other watching on Channel 4)
I hope this is useful for someone as it may save people quite a bit of messing around and trial and error.
Please do not hesitate to PM me if you need any more info.