firasf1dream wrote:
about the energy, you said it's added to the boundry layer, you mean stress is added on the wing right ? there is the case of tip vortices when they form on the tips of a wings they create lots of stress (if we are talking FEA) so the end plate plus the aerodynamics values, it's job is to break the stress from the tips of the wing so less vibrations (correct me please if i am wrong)
Mmmm you're beginning to enter into the more detailed realm of aerodynamics with the Navier Stokes Equations' turbulent kinetic energy production terms and stuff with the first bit of what you said, but regarding the second part, tip vortices form just due to the natural flow of high pressure to low pressure and there not being a wall present to prevent that flow.
Any sort of vibrations are more due to the wing's general flexibility than the tip vortices.
Regarding endplates, they play an important part in increasing the wing elements downforce and can even have positive effects on drag reduction. Above a racing wing, there is a high pressure zone, and below the element, there is a low pressure. This differential in pressure is proportional to the downforce generated. Ideally, it would be beneficial to have a wing with an infinite span in order to ensure that there was no interaction between these two pressure differences until the wing was past the point where the air could have any effect on it. However, in the real world, this is not possible, and as such, endplates are employed in order to try and prevent pressure interactions between the two zones and thereby keep downforce high.
In free stream, a wing’s effective aspect ratio is less than the theoretical value calculated. This is primarily due to “spillage” over the edges of the element which have a negative impact on lift generation and drag. By utilizing bigger endplates, the effective aspect ratio of such elements can be increased.
There are various reasons for designing an endplate with most of its planar area below the element than above; and not purely due to rules and regulations. The main reason as stated above to do with the pressure differentials. The magnitude of the increase of pressure on the upper surface of the element, is less than the magnitude of the decrease in pressure below the element when compared to normal atmospheric pressures. This also implies that the higher downforce the wing assembly produces, the larger the optimal endplates would need to be due to the greater difference in pressures exhibited by higher downforce profiles.