Well, common sense is back! now lets pray it will stay more time to change other things too.Thunders wrote:So i guess it's kind of officially looked at....
http://www.fia.com/news/fia-and-fom-sta ... um=twitter
At the unanimous request of the teams in a letter received today, Jean Todt, President of the FIA, and Bernie Ecclestone, commercial rights holder representative, accepted, in the interests of the Championship, to submit a proposal to the F1 Commission and World Motor Sport Council to revert to the qualifying format in force in 2015.
This proposal, if approved by the F1 governing bodies, will take effect as from the Chinese Grand Prix and will apply for the rest of the season.
Jean Todt and Bernie Ecclestone welcomed the idea put forward by the teams to have a global assessment of the format of the weekend for 2017.
Seriously I'm done if they just erase qualifyingEcclestone has now stated that a race could replace Saturday's qualifying session.
"We've been looking; basically more the qualifying than anything," Ecclestone told Sky Sports.
"Maybe having a race on the Saturday which would count instead of qualifying, for example.
Thats true..pob wrote:^Except when it rains midsession, then everyone is just sat watching meaningless driving round just to satisfy the xx% criteria. Avoiding this is one of the main benefits of resetting the times with the Q1/2/3 system.
I think someone should collate all the suggestions in this thread and send them to the FIA, with Tim's suggestion above listed first. It is my firm belief that they will all be equally considered.Tim.Wright wrote:I personally think the grid should be determined with a knockout beer pong tournament on sunday morning. This effectively puts the drunkest guy on P1. What could possibly go wrong?
#aerogollumturbof1 wrote: YOU SHALL NOT......STALLLLL!!!