I need your help for a Hayabusa V8 building

Post here information about your own engineering projects, including but not limited to building your own car or designing a virtual car through CAD.
Joined: 14 Apr 2016, 03:08

Re: I need your help for a Hayabusa V8 building


Hello George75,

looks good your plan.

I am Klaus from Germany,
i am Bike Engineer, 52 years old and i like to work with CAD SolidWorks. At my job i prepare many bike engines for my customers. I like engineering everything around 4 stroke motor. About this topic i start 8 years ago learn how to use SolidWorks. But i don’t have somebody with small CNC Factory. You write you are located in Europe ! can you tell me where your home in Europe ? I think this project is possible.

I want send you private but it is not possible, i get this message "You are not authorized to send private messages.
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When you get the same message you can send me message at my Email address k.h300@web.de

best whishes

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Joined: 15 Mar 2010, 13:17

Re: I need your help for a Hayabusa V8 building


Hi George!

Am I correct in that you want to join the two blocks by a common crankcase?
If yes, this would include some serious FE analysis from my point of view.

If you could tell me where you´re located and what your exact plans are I can try to get some people together designing and calculating. For me it would be important to have some face-to-face communication

@Klaus, where are you located, as I´m in the middle of bike project and in need of some expertise.
I´m located in northern Germany.

Joined: 14 Apr 2016, 03:08

Re: I need your help for a Hayabusa V8 building


Hi matt21

schöne Grüsse in den Norden Deutschlands
Ich komme aus dem wilden Süden, Baden Würth., in der Nähe von Sigmaringen.

Momentan bin ich aber in Peking.

So ein Projekt mit Motorradteilen geht mir schon einige Zeit durch den Kopf, seit ich vor einigen Jahren durch Zufall auf den Bericht http://www.motorbau.de/ gestoßen bin. Eine vernünftiges CNC Bearbeitungszentrum sollte man eben haben.
