turbof1 wrote:Will there still be loss of downforce? Yeah probably. Any solution involving downforce will inevitable lead to turbulent wake issues. But the idea is this might be less because you are more dependent on GE interaction and your front downforce is not generated by a front wing which is more sensitive. The idea is also by upwashing the turbulent airflow, the car leaves a low pressure wake behind it to have an inwash of more laminar flow.
Atleast that's my opinion/idea
That was my idea too, until Bhall conviced me any solution, including GE, will inevitably evolve enough to finally be very sensitive to dirty air. GE on the 80s were great because they were new, but if they´re developed futher they will also be very sensitive to dirty air, and the problem will remain the same
That´s the reason I changed my mind and started thinking about solutions to fight that drop in DF due to sensivity of very developed solutions. If dirty air is inevitable, and sensitvity of F1 aero will always cause a drop in DF, the only way I can think about to solve the problem is adjustable DF levels so even if F1 cars keep sensible to dirty air, adjustable DF can solve or minimize the problem
Then Bhall talked about dity air caused by fans wich would be worse, and I agree. But only if the fan is used directly. If the air exit is channeled to a less sensible area (for example RW endplates so the fan airflow goes over the trailing car), then, even if it still causes some dirty air, it will be less severe than any other solution disturbing air at the same height the trailing car will pass.
I think this way the solution might:
1- Increase DF at will when in dirty air so the problem is reduced
2- Not cause increased wake turbulence at the important height (car height) thanks to the channeled exit at highest car height, and facing up (so the wake turbulence is produced even higher)
3- Even reduce dirty air as a fan wing does not need any highly cambered wing/flap so it might reduce FW drag
4- It can keep same airflow deflectors to reduce tire drag and could even be more efficient as that would be its only purpose, contrary to today when they also try to generate DF
So it might reduce dirty air (reduced drag), be less sensitive to the remaining dirty air (thanks to the fan), and could compensate the remaining sensitivity to dirty air increasing fan speed and DF