I must admit that when I was a vehicle dynamics newbie I was very impressed by the concept of force based roll centres (FRCs), and less enamoured by geometrical based roll centres (GRCs). There is a paper around somewhere that plots the migration of the two as a car goes round the corner, they move quite differently.
However, when we were actually stuffing around with GRCs we found that they seemed to be telling us useful things about the car, and the changes made went into production (admittedly that is a pretty cheap change, not hard to sell).
But in 16 years I have yet to see a problem with RC migration, which given that I have been directly involved in 3 new suspension layouts and modified tens of others, seems to suggest that either our suspensions already have it under control, deliberately, or that some of the other kinematic targets stop the RCs from migrating, or that the dynamic models flag up problems that might be due to RC migration, and in curing those we suppress RC migration while sorting them out. Or something else.
Here's a longer discussion, unfortunately nobody really got to a conclusion
The FSAE guys also have several threads.
Here's a good thread, pay attention to Ben in particular (others may well be worth reading).
http://dsrforum.yuku.com/topic/2802/Rol ... ent?page=1