A great article from Willem Toet , about Double Diffusers.
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mysterie ... title-like
Rare glimpse inside the F1 secrets!
giantfan10 wrote:Very pertinent portion of that article is here:
Amateurs think they can explain technical things like diffusers and front wings, but clearly have no idea what is behind the engineering side. Their well-meaning and often seemingly plausible offerings proliferate and become folklore. Professional journalists are not often engineers, are not told the truth by the teams. Race engineers rarely know about aerodynamics in detail anyway and they’d rather invent a plausible story than convey the truth because the teams don’t want the truth to be told in case it gives away an advantage.
Willem Toet is a nice guy with loads of real life experience and most of his knowledge comes from what he has learned during his time in F1 and other motorsport sectors. He is quite helpful and loves to teach that is why he does the occasional blogs for people to read. I have met him several times and have asked him several questions which he has answered satisfactorily and you can tell he is no bullshitter.turbof1 wrote:The issue is the general lack of information, which I believe was what Toet laments the most. The world of aerodynamics is infinite fascinating, but the secretive nature of F1 means every small bit of hard information remains inside the team, even if that information has long been past its relevance date.
Are you then surprised people form wrong opinion on things they are not getting information on? F1 is still a public sport. You are still showing the culmination of solutions to the public. They don't get the individual pieces however that lead to the solution which is sad.
I also very much lament the culture of real engineers with genuine understanding where those engineers angrily lash out at "armchair experts" under the words of "you can't possibly undersrand" or "you have zero technical knowledge". There is a word for such attitude: condenscending.
It's perfectly fine to point out when people are wrong, but if you are going to do that, you should also point out why. It's the responsibility of the criticaster. Else your critique will have no other result then insulting. And how many are going to listen then?
That's the difference btw between these so called engineers here and Toet: Toet made an astounding effort to explain what really is going on.