Yes. Using the leading edge as datum would be the sensible approach.domh245 wrote:
One thing I did note was that in article 3.7.3, "Drawing 7" had been Magenta-ed, which is the sign of a change. This would lead me to expect that there is an updated version of drawing 7 with the corrected coordinates (or possibly using the leading edge as the datum point instead of the FWCL, which has been distributed to teams, or otherwise noted in one of the unpublished appendixes to the rules.
As for the nose rules, the only thing that has changed from this year to next year is that the tip of the nose must be at least 1050mm forward of the FWCL instead of 850 - the rules about cross sections remain the same.
I hadn't spotted that the drawing ref is marked as a change. So maybe you're right and they've produced a revised drawing for the teams to work to.
So the nose tip has been moved to keep it in the same relationship to the neutral section if it has been moved forward.. Will make it easier to pass the crash tests.