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Big Mangalhit wrote:Well but youtube does pay, albeit a very small cut of the revenue in advertisement.
Still it is not only about the money is about diffusion of the F1 to the new generations. If the Facebook was flooded with the brilliant overtakes, the dramatic crashes and banters more young people would be aware of what is happening on F1. It would get the sport trending, some new fans would rise, people would talk more about it and that should be the target of F1. It is way too detached from the majority of young people, especially in countries which do not have a pilot or a team racing.
And same goes for Twitter too, F1 ignoring new media is damaging itself.
Big Mangalhit wrote:Well but youtube does pay, albeit a very small cut of the revenue in advertisement.
Still it is not only about the money is about diffusion of the F1 to the new generations. If the Facebook was flooded with the brilliant overtakes, the dramatic crashes and banters more young people would be aware of what is happening on F1. It would get the sport trending, some new fans would rise, people would talk more about it and that should be the target of F1. It is way too detached from the majority of young people, especially in countries which do not have a pilot or a team racing.
You may be right but I don't agree. I think the mainstream media is too luvvie for social media at the moment and some people are believing the hype. As it is we have many drivers, teams, etc all on social media so there is no lack of F1 on social media. It's hard to see that FOM could make a huge addition to that itself.
It always riles me up when Crofty quotes in his commentary a some people on social media getting upset with a penalty or rule change or something. At the same time he's ignoring probably 95% of people who are not on social media, not upset, happy with the rule change or don't care, etc. twitter is just a place you go when you want to whinge in public and these whingers get a disproportionately loud voice.
Use of social media should be about increasing the visibility of the sport, which in turn would increase viewers and fanbase, which in turn would increase exposure for team sponsors and hence would mean teams being able to generate more revenue that way.
Bill board owners don't pay for every person who sees your advert either. Social Media is a free marketing platform that F1 has yet to really scratch the surface of.
Mu big hope though is that Liberty offer online access to races, both live and on demand with choice of camera angles etc - Yes this would be for a fee, butnit would be one I'd be willing to pay rather than subscribing to Sky Sports where I'm paying for a load of sports I'm not interested in..!!
Favourite driver: Lando Norris
Favourite team: McLaren
Turned down the chance to meet Vettel at Silverstone in 2007. He was a test driver at the time and I didn't think it was worth queuing!! π€¦π»ββοΈ
If Liberty is/would be smart, they'd focus their services to expand F1 in the following:
Youtube - post highlights, crashes, briefings, podium interview, changes every race, f1 rules simply explained, driver interviews, team interviews, race venue history, f1 history.
Facebook - update with youtube vids, information, race dates, event dates, promotions, f1 rocks events, etc.
Twitter - have all licensed f1 personnel share their tweets.
Instagram - similar to FB and TWI, also link to youtube if possible (im not that experienced in these platforms)
Snapchat - drivers and personnel etc.
Main website - community members section 'fans ' where you can signup, have a free account or a paid account,
the paid account gets you live streaming through a password by streaming on the website itself or through fe VLC player,
update everything, etc.
broadcasting: use darn full hd 1080p views, onboard too, change the viewing angle to make it feel more fast (like the good ol days), give 4k option. and im talking real 1080p full HD,
not just 720 stretched or something like that. gopro cameras seem to have better quality than f1 camera's.
have the ability to view on your tablet LIVE during the race (through your account) laptimes, data, positions, onboard camera's, pit cameras, helicopter, etc. also have the ability to
follow tweets/instagrams/whatevers live during the race.
have a live official 'chatroom' during the race.
have the option to show replays on your tablet or show race cameras during replays on tv/streaming.
also important: promote the teams and drivers more to the public.
also promote merchandising a LOT more, like model cars, mugs, shirts, etc.
meet and greets with racing drivers, team members, etc.
special offers on (paid) members on race weekends (5 % discount on 'premium f1 website membership' on race weekends)
and have all this available for REASONABLE prices. F1's prices on whatever are simply unreasonable. for example;
practise, qualy and race live streaming (with commentary) in 720p for a certain (reasonable) price,
1080p a bit more expensive, etc.
you can select your options, for example yes 1080p, but no onboard or tablet support.
a premium or VIP membership which includes ALL. etc
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"
I think that would help current fans, rather than attract new ones. I mean, if you're not into strategy and technology, there's not a lot of appeal to current F1. This might sound like blasphemy, but the underlying product needs to be brought up to date before they need to invest in new ways to promote it. Youtube and Facebook won't bring new fans in front of a TV for 3 hours every weekend if all you can see and hear are cars following each other at a predetermined pace. There were lots of reasons why the model worked 25 years ago, but not now.
I was at Monza the past weekend, T1 and I can honestly say that they could do a million things to make the live spectators ' experience better. But that's not where the money lies, so they don't really care.
So long as Bernie is running the show nothing will change. Nothing. He is not interested in new media - only big "traditional" TV companies e.g. Sky, NBC, pay the money he wants. By the time he leaves, F1 will have alienated itself from an entire generation. There is no reason why F1 shouldn't be able to pay for itself from the advertising revenue. They just need to get people watching and the advertising revenue will rise.
Bernie has forgotten one important thing about the modern world - if you're given something for free, you are the product being marketed. Give F1 to viewers for free and they become the product you sell to the advertisers of the world. Selling rights to limited numbers of "old media" companies who then charge viewers to watch the races limits your market to those prepared to spend relatively large amounts to watch a sporting event. Did Facebook take $18bn revenue in 2015 and serve 1.7 billion active users last month by charging users? No they give it away for free and then sell advertising on users' pages. Imagine 1.7 billion F1 viewers Bernie. Just imagine because you'll never get there with your approach.
I'd like to see the disproportionate amount of money given to Ferrari et al "for being old" scrapped. Spread the money more evenly based on results. If Ferrari et al can't compete without Bernie's extra handout then they need to sort their house out. If they decide to leave, so be it.
If you are more fortunate than others, build a larger table not a taller fence.
"You are the product" only applies to companies like Facebook/Google/etc who are are logging reams and reams of datapoints about the online behaviour and offline characteristics (ie physical location, age, sex, etc) and scanning for keywords in your messages/email to learn what you like so they can serve appropriate ads. They're not just delivering any ad, they're delivering highly targeted ads. If you took away all of that data then these two companies would suffer greatly.
Comparatively, about the most we know about the average F1 fan is that they probably like and own road cars and hence most advertising is just for oil, petrol, tyres, and some other basic household goods. Just giving away F1 footage online for free does not bring valuable information about who is looking at F1's advertisements. Perhaps the only level you could take this would be to customise the trackside advertising with ads targeted to you (ie if your wife was watching online next to you on a different computer she'd see different trackside advertising). Even then F1 still needs a compelling reason for you to hand over all the information that's needed to deliver very specific targeted advertising. At the moment it doesn't have that, so instead we pay a few pounds/dollars a year cash instead (and the other great thing about that is we keep our privacy).
Anyway I don't think social media is a pot of gold waiting for F1 to go and pick it up. I use social media and I'm rarely exposed to sports that I don't actively follow because the whole thing about algorithms on websites like Facebook,Youtube etc is that they tune the content of the 'feeds' that you see only subjects that you like, to encourage you to stay on the website and see more ads. Seeing content for a sport you don't like, like say lawn bowls, would be a failure. I'm not going to click it and I'm not going to become a fan of lawn bowls.
A reality show on E! Channel should be mandatory if f1 is to expand into the homes of casual watchers. Look how the talentless kardashians and the jersey shore people did it. Throw some drivers in the mix some principals some wags and you have a hit that will bring more people and sponsors into the sport. I'm serious.
zac510 wrote:"You are the product" only applies to companies like Facebook/Google/etc who are are logging reams and reams of datapoints
Hmm.. I think it still applies to f1... Except it would be a chain effect. The f1 fans are the product, who comw onto facebook to watch f1, who are then "sold to" f1 sponsors. So in this case the vehicle is a combination of F1 and facebook. While f1 is being shown, so are the f1 sponsors and so are the facebook advertisments. Also at the same time your data is still being taken by facebook.
And who benefits financially? All parties benfit. F1 sponsors get their products shown, F1 can charge sponsors more for social media visibilty and facebook gets your data to sell still.
Comparatively, about the most we know about the average F1 fan is that they probably like and own road cars and hence most advertising is just for oil, petrol, tyres, and some other basic household goods. Just giving away F1 footage online for free does not bring valuable information about who is looking at F1's advertisements. Perhaps the only level you could take this would be to customise the trackside advertising with ads targeted to you (ie if your wife was watching online next to you on a different computer she'd see different trackside advertising). Even then F1 still needs a compelling reason for you to hand over all the information that's needed to deliver very specific targeted advertising. At the moment it doesn't have that, so instead we pay a few pounds/dollars a year cash instead (and the other great thing about that....
F1 fans are wide base.. Even among ourselves we have different reasons for watching. Some like cars, some the drivers, some the whole ferrari thing, some people have family/ftiends involved, others just want to watch to be different etc. And out of all of that we still like regular everday things in our everyday lives. So normal everday products can still be advertized along f1 coverage. It is just another sport. What social media will do now is to peel off that upper layer and start to sieve through our user data and then categorize all of us onto little shelves for marketers to purchase.
PlatinumZealot wrote:A reality show on E! Channel should be mandatory if f1 is to expand into the homes of casual watchers. Look how the talentless kardashians and the jersey shore people did it. Throw some drivers in the mix some principals some wags and you have a hit that will bring more people and sponsors into the sport. I'm serious.
The sad thing is, you are right.
I detest reality TV, these days pretty much TV in general. But the amount of people that bang on about the "Kardashians" or Made in Chelsea or whatever is beyond ridiculous.
I made a point of sitting through one of these shows(Made in Chelsea), and I was struck by how puerile it was.
There is nothing of substance here. Nothing. It is devoid of reality, as all the participants inherited their wealth, and mince around buying expensive coffees wondering if their mate shagged their ex or ex to be!
Now bringing something like F1 into this mix, and adding this toxicity of dense doltishness will infect the sport to the sort of audience that will reduce it to a popular Dope-fest.
I'm all for a popular F1, but not at the expense of reducing it to the lowest common denominator.
FrukostScones wrote:Bernie and Briatore to start GP1. as he is pushed out by new owners.
yes... giving the "fans" what they want! modified GP2 V8's, resurrection of names like Lotus, Brabham and March with drivers like Massa, McNish and Piquet Jr.
FrukostScones wrote:Bernie and Briatore to start GP1. as he is pushed out by new owners.
yes... giving the "fans" what they want! modified GP2 V8's, resurrection of names like Lotus, Brabham and March with drivers like Massa, McNish and Piquet Jr.
They could name it the "Retro Racing Road Show"
Maybe even a nice job for Max Mosley?
I think a lot of fans would fancy that. me not included.
Finishing races is important, but racing is more important.