autodoctor911 wrote:.... would not the effective wheel rate for the spring and damper force change at the same rate, keeping them close to optimal, well at least compared to just having a progressive spring with a damper that has a fixed damping in relation to travel?
I think that a vehicle set-up that is optimal, increasing motion ratio -
defined as (Spring_Rate/Wheel_Rate) - will require the damping coefficient to be increased in order for (optimal) damping ratio to be maintained. Grinding through the algebra should confirm that (hopefully). Doubling motion ratio will require a doubling of damper coefficient- which is a good reason for limiting motion ratio...
"Rising Rate" geometry complicates things because peak force is usually generated at maximum velocity for the dampers, and at extremes of travel by springs.
You asked about displacement dependent damping coefficients. Patent US6049766 sets out the Lord Corporation's ideas at 2000 on stroke limiting , which was remarkably similar (hence saving me the task of describing it) to the algorithm we used in the Lotus Active Suspension (of 1987, but was implemented some time before that). I believe that a version of it is incorporated in the Magnaride system (of Delphi, now BWI). So far as I was concerned, the idea came from aircraft undercarriage oleos. These have bean around for a while (for example Patent 2077934, dated 1937).
In motor racing, designers have been using rising rate geometries, displacement sensitive springs, and dampers, certainly since the 1970's, often with less than ideal results. The adage worth remembering is KISS.