Andres125sx wrote:Disagree, that graph is comparing apples to oranges. If RBR improve compared to Mercedes the RBRvsMB line will decrease, while if McLaren keep same difference with MB difference with RBR will be increased, so those lines will cross and look opposite, when they´re not, one improved and the other remained constant, they´re not opposite but they look opposite.
To compare you must compare apples to apples, if you´re analysing RBR vs MB and want to include McLaren for reference, it must be McLaren vs MB too so the comparison is real, both are compared to same reference
Thats exactly the point.
If RBR gain ground on Mercedes that suggests that the track is a "chassis" track and that RBRs chassis is overcoming their power deficit to Mercedes. The same should also be true for Mclaren.
If however as you say RBR catch up Mercedes because it is a "chassis" track and Mclaren don't catchup at all then it suggests that Mclarens chassis is not able to overcome any power deficit.
Again I refer back to the opening post where I clearly set out that I believe the deficit is almost equally split between chassis and PU. I think they have a fairly average PU with a fairly average chassis. My evidence for this being that they tend to be closer to Mercedes on power tracks than they are on chassis tracks.
The most interesting evaluation is that Mclaren are closer to RBR on power circuits than they are on chassis circuits.