basti313 wrote:a1b2i3r45 wrote:
Not only Alo was side by side, he was actually ahead by a bit; before Massa shut the door and causing them to touch wheels and the impact resulted in Massa going off road.
Come on...I know it is difficult to talk about Alonso here. Let us talk about a black car and a white car.
I can see a black car that divebombed into a corner, where there is normally not any thought on overtaking. This car did not even make this divebomb fit to the track limits even though it was touched and pushed to the inside.
Sorry, but being side by side or being ahead does not give the corner solely to you if you do not use the brakes in the right moment.
We were discussing here about a red car in Malaysia not hitting the curb by one or two was given a penalty. Here we are talking about a car not making the corner by more than the width of the car.
Then I have the perfect solution for you. We mill two slots in the track, all the way round, fit the cars with a tracing pin, and have the drivers sit in a safe room guiding their machines around with a joystick. No contact. Added benefit is that we can do away with the petrol engine completely, as moving to all electric is no problem at all.
Today I have seen much more daring maneuvres excecuted by a couple of guys who's safety cell is a leather jacket. And that was a pretty good race to watch.
Safety is good, no question, and we are not here to watch crashes. But if we start to question who should be punished every time a bit of carbon becomes dislodged, then we might do away with racing altogether.