As a matter of topical interest, I raised a question of road going bike vs car cornering & braking performance..
..with 1, a group of social riders with whom I enjoy a run, & 2, on a motorcycle forum..
I asked if they felt they could corner faster & braker quicker on their bike than in their car..
Some were honest enough to admit that their confidence on the bike was the limitation,
- but others insisted cars were inherently more capable.. ( & we're not talking Pagani Zondas)
I said that my GPS clearly showed confirmation - that in most road situations I could do better on the bike,
& offered to put money on it.. if anyone was up for a contest.. none of my riding mates were up for it..
Over on the forum, it was remarkable, the degree of 'cognitive dissonance' evident from riders who felt humiliated
by having their limitations raised, & sought to be angry & judgemental, rather than feel shamed - by their own lack of skill..