Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help

Post here information about your own engineering projects, including but not limited to building your own car or designing a virtual car through CAD.
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Re: Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help


Great design! Will it be available for AC?

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Re: Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help


Phillyred wrote:Kudos to you sir! Very "neat" design.. I'm sure you're learning a ton in the process and that's what it's all about.. Are you gonna run it through any CFD demos?
Thanks! I'd love to get some CFD numbers, but I fear it would end up producing lift, or being super draggy - sometimes not knowing it better :lol: Plus I have no experience with CFD and wouldn't know where to start, and don't really have the time to learn :/
CAEdevice wrote:Great design! Will it be available for AC?
Yes! Should be available to download (for free) sometime next week, if all goes to plan!

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Re: Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help


garyjpaterson wrote:
Phillyred wrote:Kudos to you sir! Very "neat" design.. I'm sure you're learning a ton in the process and that's what it's all about.. Are you gonna run it through any CFD demos?
Thanks! I'd love to get some CFD numbers, but I fear it would end up producing lift, or being super draggy - sometimes not knowing it better :lol: Plus I have no experience with CFD and wouldn't know where to start, and don't really have the time to learn :/
CAEdevice wrote:Great design! Will it be available for AC?
Yes! Should be available to download (for free) sometime next week, if all goes to plan!
Very good news!
About CFD: I can do a rough simulation, but I would need a good STEP (nurbs or similar based) geometry to start with (no STL or any faceted CAD format).

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Ray Okay
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Re: Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help


You maybe on to something here :D

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Re: Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help


CAEdevice wrote:
garyjpaterson wrote:
Phillyred wrote:Kudos to you sir! Very "neat" design.. I'm sure you're learning a ton in the process and that's what it's all about.. Are you gonna run it through any CFD demos?
Thanks! I'd love to get some CFD numbers, but I fear it would end up producing lift, or being super draggy - sometimes not knowing it better :lol: Plus I have no experience with CFD and wouldn't know where to start, and don't really have the time to learn :/
CAEdevice wrote:Great design! Will it be available for AC?
Yes! Should be available to download (for free) sometime next week, if all goes to plan!
Very good news!
About CFD: I can do a rough simulation, but I would need a good STEP (nurbs or similar based) geometry to start with (no STL or any faceted CAD format).
Cheers for the offer - Though I have to model using polys - not nurbs, which is necessary for performance reasons in the sim.

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Re: Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help


Just in case anyone is interested - this thing has now been released! Get it (for free) here: ... -17.13928/


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Joined: 09 Jan 2014, 15:33
Location: Erba, Italy

Re: Fictional Car - floor and diffuser help


I can't wait to try it on the track! Excellent mod.

EDIT: I tried it during the lunch break: fun to drive, accurate geometric models, realistic dynamics, excellent steering feel. The only weak point is the sound of the engine that has some slight imperfections. I confirm my first impression: excellent mod! =D>