I would like to explain what I was thinking about when I suggested it sounded like that to me.Wazari wrote:Definitely no "piston slap".
I'd describe it as a clattering noise; the sort of thing you get when the crankshaft is precisely in line with the centre of the top of the head as opposed to offset some small amount. It's an annoying adjective, clattering. It's not a word I want to use in relation to a piece of mechanical jewellery.
In terms of the noise, I was also thinking of something I was reading about the other day.
BMW recently started publicising details of what one might describe as 'intentionally imperfect' bores on some of their diesel production engine cylinders (imperfect - as in, not a geometrically perfect cylindrical shape).
Their design is instead to form hone the bores such that they are a very gentle "bottom of cone" section instead, which copes better with thermal stress than a straight cylinder (essentially, it stops the piston from being exposed to conditions at the top and bottom of cylinder, with their opposite thermal stresses, from having to be in the same material at the same diameter - loose at the top and tight at the bottom or vice versa).
In F1 there is a rule about bore sizing (80mm, from memory).
Is there a rule or clarification about where on the cylinder this is measured (and it would presumably have to be a cold measurement!), or about what the tolerances are through the travel of the bore that deviate away from the 80mm?
Is it possible that there is some deviation designed into the cold engine which is useful once hot, or non-cylindrical honing of these coatings?
(NB. I'm not asking for answers from Wazari-san as it would be impolite to do so - these are more thoughts for the group to ponder and/or shoot down in flames as applicable).