gruntguru wrote:Re - firing order.
There is only one firing order possible. (and the reverse if you want to be pedantic.) Essentially we have two 3 cylinder inline engines with one firing 90* after the other.
3 cylinder engine "A" has firing order 1A, 2A, 3A (yes pedants - it could be 1A, 3A, 2A. Either way the firing starts at an end cylinder, then the middle cylinder then the other end.)
3 cylinder engine "B" has firing order 1B, 2B, 3B
Combined V6 has firing order 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B.
conventionally viewed, the above statement 'only one firing order is possible' is surely wrong ?
and this 'end-to-end' 1 2 3 bank order seems reminiscent of textbook examples of disadvantage to crankshaft design
as possibly/likely to increase the torsional vibration of the crankshaft and so reduce its life
anyway different firing orders must be possible
one 'obvious' order is 1 6 5 4 3 2 - (in the terminology as above - 1a 3b 3a 2b 2a 1b)
as used by Buick in many millions of (the first mass-produced 90 deg 3 simple crankpin) V6s
similar millions of engines by the PRV combine used 1 6 3 5 2 4
EDIT - NOTE TO SELF - but the 65 deg Fiat Dino was a 6 throw crank (as apparently were all race Dinos ever ie 1956 on)
NB it might appear that Nissan etc use a 1 2 3 4 5 6 firing order (and presumably these are not 3 simple crankpin engines)
official Nissan info attributes firing order enquiry as plug lead identification/positioning (as mechanics needs to know) - not firing order
and redundant spark ignition conceals the actual firing order with ambiguity (2 cyls simultaneously sparked, which 1 is firing ?)
anyone got the firing order for the F1 turbos of TAG Porsche, Honda, Renault etc ?
one reason for an actual 1 2 3 bank order might seem to be possibly better equalisation of charge induction from the plenum airbox
are there examples where some crankshaft design-disadvantageous but induction design-advantageous firing order has been used ?
the mandatory minimum crankshaft journal diameter might (by accident of course) have the effect of building in such a crankshaft design margin