Before engine-start the shuttle sits in one position, call it rest position. Then if you start the shuttle engines and hypothetically let everything sit there with shuttle engines running (but not side boosters) for 10 or 20 seconds it would reach a relatively static alternate position, call it running position.Cold Fussion wrote: ↑04 May 2017, 05:41What's the cause of it springing back? Is it because of the so called dynamic overshoot and the resulting reduction in moment once for shuttle thrust reaches steady state?
When the shuttle engines fire up during a real launch, the assembly goes from rest position to running position in about 1 or 2 seconds, but when it first reaches running position the top of the assembly has horizontal velocity and inertia and it keeps going past there. It overshoots running position by a few more feet. It reaches a max overshoot position and starts coming back toward running position. At some point before this swaying is complete, the side boosters fire and the whole thing lifts off.
The horizontal overshoot at the top puts mega bending-stress on the bottom which is constrained in rest position until subsequent launch/release. This is what caused NASA to eventually add 20,000 lbs of structure to the launch assembly without knowing why it was necessary.
One of many lessons that can be learned from this: Fixing a problem should begin with a thorough visual inspection. If possible inspect the stuff dynamically and in use.