Here they are...
What you can see on these pictures is that there is a vortex on the edge of the cape, as expected. What I also expected is another vortex inside the cape, but there isn't one. There could be many reasons for this, bad CFD set-up is most likely. And yeah, for this first set-up I forgot to include rake angle and generally front wing closer to the ground - corrected version is being calculated as we speak.
As for the vortex occurring here where the tub begins (after the nose expansion near the tub), it's a strange one, not sure what to think of it.
Pressure plot here, as you can see Y250 vortex is really strong. I'm working on geometry much closer to reality (at least I hope so), so there's a lot more to come for front wing. Separation on cape leading edge and wing flap's trailing edge is bad geometry on my side, partly due to non-existent rake angle.
There's also some turbulence (swirling) inside the S-duct, though this is far from what S-duct once was.

Naturally, this is also bad geometry...
From this isolated model for CFD I couldn't learn much. Cape, at least in this first simulation, isn't behaving like diffuser as there isn't a vortex forming under the "ramp". I'm not sure if this is even supposed to happen, as this entire geometry is quite smooth and ramp doesn't have any sudden and acute changes in geometry (like typical diffuser does, which is what triggers it's vortices) and this is visible on the pictures of the car. There is an increase in pressure on the top side of the ramp, as is expected in free stream...
Feel free to interpret these preliminary results as wildly as possible, fresh ideas are scarce these days.