2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Phil wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 13:52
That's an incredibly simplistic way to look at it. The incident was as it is

It would be only fair ......
The precedence is

There was a similar case ...
Didn't we have a thread for all this nonsense discussion?
There is no simlicity, there is no fair, precedence, similarities or feelings. You can not discuss F1 ruling and judging in a "track and field" fairness approach. It is politics and it is a show. It was always like this and will always be like this and the case is closed.
Don`t russel the hamster!

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Just_a_fan wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 14:09

No. The "crime" is the action - the deliberate crashing in to another car. The FIA have now shown that so long as the driver apologizes afterwards then a 10 second stop / go is the punishment he can expect.

Imagine the same situation in, say, Singapore by with Hamilton driving in to Vettel. Anything other than the same 10 second stop / go will be seen as the stewards / FIA interfering in the title.
Yes, the crime is the action, but the penalty must be served looking into the circumstances the crime was committed. And the consequences of the action.
Many people belive that Vettel deserved a race ban... What would be the punishment to someone who did the same, but the other pilot crashed?

You can find in history, many crimes made by the same actions, but that had different sentences. You cannot apply life imprisonment to every crime.

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Phil wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 13:52
santos wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 13:36
Every case different. You can't judge every crime in the same way. Imagine that this weekend, someone does the same as Vettel, but the other driver crash and have to abandon the race. Of course the punishment won't be the same.
That's an incredibly simplistic way to look at it. The incident was as it is because it was deemed to be 'deliberate'. If there was damage or not, is IMO secondary. One may be worse than the other, but the "intent" is what IMO is the biggest issue.

Joe Saward had an interesting take on it:

https://joesaward.wordpress.com/2017/07 ... n-penalty/
Joe Saward wrote:When all is said and done, the only conclusion one can reach is that this is an incredibly weak ruling – and a terrible precedent. If the reference about repetition applies to drivers other than Vettel (it is not clear from the wording), then it is clearly an unfair ruling. Why would Vettel be allowed to get away with something outrageous while other drivers are not allowed to? If the repetition reference applies only to Vettel, then any other driver who commits any such offence will be able to argue that there is a precedent for there to be no punishment – beyond some nebulous comunity service.

There may even be legal implications beyond the sport because punishing any future driver when Vettel was not punished in this case would not be fair and that brings into question whether this is good governance. In the Statement of Good Governance Principles, issued by the FIA in 2000, the federation commited itself to ensuring that procedures should be “fair, transparent, accessible and efficient”. In order to be fair to other drivers, the FIA cannot now punish them harshly – because of what it has done with Vettel. And if it does take action, it could open itself to civil action, and perhaps even claims that the federation has not properly upheld its role in the sport.
I fully agree with what Joe Saward said here, but I´m wondering what was his opinion when it was Lewis instead of Vettel the driver who didn´t receive the deserved penalty with stewards saying the same BS... "bad boy, the next one will be punished", as it happened in 2007 when, for example, Lewis car was reintroduced to the track by a crane and he was allowed to score points :twisted:

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Wynters wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 13:11
NathanOlder wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 11:25
Personally, I hope he gets asked one question about it, right at the start, and then the press move on.
It should be like this, instead of this we could have journalists making the same question over and over again, because controversy sells.

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


It seems that Vettel has apologized and Lewis has accepted it. Things go smoothly, good news.

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Did you expect anything else? If all the others could go back to normal, we all could enjoy the new race ;)

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


marvin78 wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 16:00
Did you expect anything else? If all the others could go back to normal, we all could enjoy the new race ;)
Both Hamilton and Vettel have strong characters and are prideful, I was not 100% sure. :mrgreen:

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


I don't buy the water under the bridge claim from both drivers. And I also don't think Seb will refrain from having another outburst. As for the race this weekend, any news on the promised rain??

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


I think both drivers have opinions which they might not express publicly. They know that of eachother and they also know that accepting that and moving on is the best way for them to optimize their own performance, or just for the sake of getting rid of the media hype around the incident.

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Multi21 wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 16:49
I don't buy the water under the bridge claim from both drivers. And I also don't think Seb will refrain from having another outburst. As for the race this weekend, any news on the promised rain??
No rain it looks like, very warm Sunday though.
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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Vasconia wrote:
06 Jul 2017, 15:55
It seems that Vettel has apologized and Lewis has accepted it. Things go smoothly, good news.
He refused to answer the question of intent though... interesting, no way to gracefully get around that. So if he's still refusing to even say whether or not he his Lewis intentionally, any apologies a worth the press release paper they were announced on.
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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


Link -> Hamilton: Todt should "answer questions" over FIA's Vettel call
Asked in Austria about whether he had revised his opinion in the wake of the FIA decision on Monday to not take the matter further, Hamilton said: “I don’t think anything changes, so my opinion stays the same.

“With all due respect, Jean should be sitting next to us to answer some questions perhaps, because I think they didn’t change anything on the Monday. So the message that was sent still remains the same.”

Pushed to say whether he regretted saying Vettel had ‘disgraced’ himself amid high emotions after the race, the Mercedes driver replied: “I don’t feel I was particularly upset after the race. If I was upset it was for other reasons.

“I don’t feel I said anything that I particularly wish to take back, but I still have the same opinion of what happened. It is water under the bridge now, we move forwards, we spoke about it, so there is no point saying much more.”
nuf said. Well balanced talk.

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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


I think it's pretty clear it was intentional. Again; if it wasn't - why not just say so? He has admitted to take the blame for the crime already, so to just confirm would not make things worse. The only reason for not answering is if it was indeed intentional (just as most people and the stewards deemed it to be as per the report document), but to say so would probably spark up more hatred. The only way to avoid that would be to simply avoid it and hide behind the fact that some people/media will hide behind the ambiguity.
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Re: 2017 Austrian Grand Prix, Spielberg 7-9 Jul


It would :wtf: his fans that's why The ones that spent two weeks discussing steering wheel angles and Lewis' obvious brake check.

Water under the bridge, but let me tell you, I don't want to hear a peep out of the apologists. The most highly anticipated driver's conference in years!
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