As you probably know there are 'low range' compounds and also 'high range' compounds, and since 2013 season they are a little bit mixed. I say 'mixed' because medium compound must work on low temperature range while soft compound must work on high temperature range:
Ultrasoft: Low range
Supersoft: Low range
Soft: High range
Medium: Low range
Hard: High range
But, what this means exactly concerning each compound heating rate? I mean, regarding soft vs medium comparison, and given same test conditions, which compound takes more time to reach its optimum range, medium or soft?
If we apply common sense and a 'traditional' view we should answer that medium takes less time to reach its optimum range than soft, since its optimum range is lower, but is it really like that? Is it possible that soft compound is made in a way that reaches 120 degrees in less time than medium reaches 110, for example?
Thank you very much.