Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Well, P_O_L, what can I say? You think you're attacking me. I think you're attacking yourself.

And, oh, yes, Mosley is a moron. Why? Because other people took advantage of his moral weaknesses to (finally!) put him in an untenable position. Now, I think, he cannot belong anymore to a wonderful community he thought he could handle the way he wanted. Does that ring any bells?

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


ben_watkins wrote:Max's actions were immoral if not illegal. Why is there so much defence of the dirty old man? He's a married man visiting whores for 5 hours of humiliation and sex, paying a alleged £25,000 for the orgy!
For me there are two serious issues about Max here:
- First, what happened with those women is just wrong, especially considering the nazi uniforms and the relation to it.
- Second, prostitution is not illegal, but considering he is the president of the FIA, it is simply unacceptable. If any minister in Belgium would be uncovered doing as such, he'd be out the next day. At least here they have the decency to draw their conclusions. It would just not be right for him to stay on.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


As long as the headlines say "F1 Boss..... Orgy..... Nazi....." it is unacceptable for Max to stay. If it just said "Private Citizen..... Orgy..... Nazi.....", perhaps it could be argued that there is no disrepute brought upon the sport. But then the FIA still needs a President with stature and respect who can exercise his duties with credibility. So not only is F1 suffering disrepute, the FIA is hobbled.

I must say as someone who deeply resents Max's abuse of power and dictatorial edicts, I find the notion of the FIA losing its ability to unilaterally afflict the teams with regulations rather appealing. His successor will inherit a diminished office and won't have the ability to abuse the rules in a wanton manner. Yes Max's decrees are contrary to Concorde, but Max is a cunning abuser who says that the V8s must have spec'd cylinder bores, bore centers, camshaft locations, alloys etc. are all "in the interest of safety".

On the other hand, as a long time F1 fan, I despise the taint that Max's perversion brings upon the sport.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Tomba wrote
For me there are two serious issues about Max here:
- First, what happened with those women is just wrong, especially considering the nazi uniforms and the relation to it.
- Second, prostitution is not illegal, but considering he is the president of the FIA, it is simply unacceptable. If any minister in Belgium would be uncovered doing as such, he'd be out the next day. At least here they have the decency to draw their conclusions. It would just not be right for him to stay on.
=D> Bulls eye!

I enjoy this forum VERY much, and I hope I have been able to make some small contributions. In future however, I will not take part in this thread except to respectfully repeat the above quote.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


On another site it was wryly noted.....

At least The Boys From Brazil supported him.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


For those out there saying there is a double standard.... consider Tomas Scheckter's departure from Jaguar.
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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Q: So, Max Mosley ...

JPM: (Laughs devilishly) OH! What about that? I loved that. I did. I did.

Q: Did you ever suspect anything like that from Max Mosley?

JPM: What? Slap me, baby? No.

Q: Did you see the video?

JPM: Of course I saw the video!

Q: And what did you think?

JPM: You don't want to know.

Q: Maybe you shouldn't be laughing so much?

JPM: It is a laughing matter! You know, when I first heard about it, it was shocking. But then he decided to play it like nothing has happened and it's just so hilarious.

Q: Should he resign?

JPM: I do have an opinion on it, but I am not going to say it, and I am glad I am not there.

Q: How come European scandals are so good compared to what we have here in NASCAR?

JPM: Oh my God. I don't know. I am glad we don't have scandals like that here. I was so shocked by it, when they sent it to me, I was like "Nooo, way." Now, I'm just like `Hey, he's just an old guy trying to have some fun.'
Slap me, baby... :D

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I may get alot of fire for this ( [-o< I hope not ) , but my take is this. We all do things behind closed doors that no one would like to be shown to those who we'd rather not see it. Family, friends, whoever. Max gets his rocks off by roleplaying, so do alot of other people. Some people on this very site may do just that. Yet, it's none of my business what you and your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend do in your own private lives. Hell Maxs' wife may be just fine with him hiring a hooker to satisfy him. No one here knows the truth about that. And no one has proof of the decision between the two, so if that ever comes up no one has a right to say whether it's right or wrong.
Giblet wrote:I want to see the video to see if it is him, but I don't want to potentially see his weiner.
That's the funniest thing I've read so far. Nice one! :D
Rob W wrote:Just a small side note for all those who like to think Max is a complete pr*** with no redeeming features...

In 1994 when Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger were killed at the San Marion GP he was the only Formula One person who attended Ratzenberger's funeral in Austria, saying, "I went to his funeral because everyone went to Senna's. I thought it was important that somebody went to his."

Even though I dispise Max for a number of reasons, that earned Max alot of respect from me. He did the absolute right thing going to Roland's funeral.
Tomba wrote: For me there are two serious issues about Max here:
- First, what happened with those women is just wrong, especially considering the nazi uniforms and the relation to it.
- Second, prostitution is not illegal, but considering he is the president of the FIA, it is simply unacceptable. If any minister in Belgium would be uncovered doing as such, he'd be out the next day. At least here they have the decency to draw their conclusions. It would just not be right for him to stay on.
I know I said before that physical abuse is wrong, consensual or not. Don't falme me for what I'm about to say. Hypocritically. :D He paid those hookers to do what they did. They knew what they were in for, so it's really not an issue. They agreed to fulfill their end of the deal, regardless of what the fantasy was.

I think Max should leave for many reasons, but not this one. His private sex life is just that, his. Not ours to judge. If he wants a clown sex orgy, would everyone want him to be fired for that? I know for a fact that everyone does weird things, and often wrong things, in private that no one wants aired in public. It was an invasion of his privacy and the parties should be punished. This wasn't a police sting. It was someone looking to make some money off the tape, and someone who quite possibly didn't like him.

Remember, do not judge lest you be judged.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Mosley 'orgy' injunction refused


Judge says that Max Mosely has "no longer had a reasonable expectation of privacy because the content of the video was now "widely familiar"."

The 90 second video is available here..

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Rob W
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


ben_watkins wrote:Mosley 'orgy' injunction refused...
As I predicted here:

No point in shutting the gate after the horse has bolted. Max will sue them to crap now - and he will win.


Joined: 15 Nov 2007, 03:33

Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


My wife and I enjoy some role-playing from time to time.

But we dont make a 5 hour long orgy video glamourizing mis-treatment of Jewish prisioners in a Nazi holding "facility".

If Max didn't make a copy of this for his video collection, it wouldn't be an issue, at all, whatsoever.

Some things common sense should tell you are NOT VIDEOTAPE MATERIAL!

Now when my wife starts talking about including our 19yr old babysitter in our roleplays............


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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


he should just resign.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


There's been a lot said on this forum about whether Max should or shouldn't resign.

Legally, it would appear, Max has done nothing wrong - morally I won't personally comment. There is a saying though that 'perception is reality' which seems to be the point here.

Whether or not he should have done what he did, and whether or not NOTW should have published details of his private life is irrelevant. The fact remains that most people seem to find what he did extremely distasteful to the point where they wouldn't want to work with/for him let alone look him in the eye.

The extent of this is surely such that he will be unable to do his job properly and should, therefore, go. Even if he isn't removed by the voting members of the FIA - whether it's right or wrong morally it will be the only practical solution.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


It is nothing to do with what you or I think is moral, correct or acceptable. It is about the people he meets and deals with on a day to day basis. For someone in his position, meeting people at government level, you can not be seen to be perverted.

Max's fate will be decided on 3rd June


http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsp ... 339052.stm


Would you all be arguing if he'd been caught looking at underage porn? Don't think so.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Why so far away? Are they hoping that the media allows it to die down before this vote?

They should be voting next week, not 2 months from now!
