Hi, I'm trying to understand a bit about F1car setup. I've got the EA F12002 game which has all the setup options I could ever want, but how generally is an F! car setup?
To go into more detail, take the spring rate, in the game it goes from 100 - 250 k/mm in increments of 5 both front and rear. I understand that the front should be stiffer than the rear so that under braking the rear gives up it's load slower and helps with traction on the exit, but how big should the difference be?
Then downforce, do you have less at the front than the rear? The range is 0 - 50 front and rear
And rollbars?
The mid point for the springs is 175 k/mm
The mid point for the front bar is 200 k/mm (100-300) increments of 10
The mid point for the rear bar is 90 k/mm (50-130) increments of 10
Tires? in the game they go from 90 - 195 kPA, I guess psi is the common units though. Something I read said that in psi around 23-24 for the front and 19-20 at the rear.
in kPA tha reads about 156/130 but the stock setups in the game are always around 135 front and 130 rear.
(To convert from to multiply by
pound per square pascal (Pa) 6,894.757)
I aprecciate that driver preference and circuit considerations play their part and there's plenty of other setup options but it seems these are the fundamentals so I would like to get a handle on these first.
Any help aprecciated, thanks.