machin wrote: ↑24 Dec 2017, 10:45
What feature(s) should we look for on the CFD images that would tell us where the vortices are and what direction they are rotating in?
Stronger vortices are recognizable thanks to their white or blu color (talking about pressure images, with the given color scale), coming in the shape of a slim and elongated thing along the surfaces of the car. The weaker ones need a different color scale to be detected.
The direction of rotation is a deduction...sometimes it is obvious, sometimes it is not. In fact, I'm not sure about CAEdevice's inner ones.
The best way to study vortices interactions in the most complex systems is to download ParaView 5.1.2, open the CFD case, and use the SurfaceLIC plugin on a slicing surface. Here is an example that CAEdevice publishes a while ago: