Engineering Student Resources

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Re: Engineering Student Resources


Hello. Would anyone know a book that covers 4wd road racing cars?

EDIT I'd be happy even with a book that has calculations for just differentials (even just rwd/fwd).

Also is this book:
Competition Car Aerodynamics 3rd Edition
good buy if I have this book already:
Race Car Aerodynamics: Designing for Speed (Technical including tuning & modifying)
Last edited by Steven on 24 Nov 2015, 13:32, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited links to display book titles

Joined: 24 Aug 2017, 14:11

Re: Engineering Student Resources


The book you are lloking for is The Science of Vehicle Dynamics from Massimo Guiggiani.

A further usefull books, but just available in German are the following five of the series:

Handbuch Rennwagentechnik

Especially: Datenanalyse, Abstimmung und Entwicklung

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
Joined: 10 Apr 2015, 00:55
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Re: Engineering Student Resources


also, there is the unfortunately named MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) which has the whole range of subjects including very pertinent engineering courses.
These come from universities all around the world.

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
Joined: 10 Apr 2015, 00:55
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Re: Engineering Student Resources


I believe it is worthwhile to point out that there is an opportunity to protest against paywalls on research papers.
It is a controversial subject which only has as a pro argument that it makes money for some substantial companies. Totally immoral in my opinion and there is quite a lot of resistance to this trend for a variety of reasons.
I would suggest thinking about this because it is an impediment to learning.

Greg Locock
Greg Locock
Joined: 30 Jun 2012, 00:48

Re: Engineering Student Resources


Here are some good MOOCs on subjects that are vaguely relevant

Good refresher on high school physics, friction, inclined planes, energy and so on. Best course in terms of lab experiements (on video). Essential ... x-8-mechcx

Aeroplane 101 . Fun, probably not news. ... 14/course/

Vehicle Dynamics ... sson_units ... sson_units ... sson_units

There are many MOOCs on data analysis and programming. I enjoyed this one on matlab ... sson_units

Here's a good one

Robots ... 17/course/

and the best one I finished

Spaceships ... T1/course/

Rustem 1988
Rustem 1988
Joined: 05 Sep 2017, 11:38

Re: Engineering Student Resources


Knowledge of what sciences can be useful for understanding the work of racing cars?

Joined: 17 Feb 2016, 21:36

Re: Engineering Student Resources


Investment banking

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: Engineering Student Resources


Mudflap wrote:
06 Mar 2018, 22:53
Investment banking
Funniest post in all of here :lol:

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: Engineering Student Resources


The Secret Horsepower Race

from -

Another astounding discovery from this months archive-box digging. German engineers designed, built AND tested for hundreds of running hours - ceramic inlet and exhaust valves in the Daimler-Benz DB600 series. Only the head was solid ceramic, attached to a metallic stem.

This was not done for lightness, but to deal with the highly corrosive fuels then in use, lead-oxide attack was a very serious issue.

I`ve been doing more fuel manufacturing data-crunching - I can say that (at least in 1943) the ratio of 100 Octane Allied fuel to German High Octane C3 fuel ACTUALLY produced in all theatres combined, was about 1:10

I`m saying that the Allies produced ten times as much high octane fuel as Germany in 1943. To give you a figure, Allied production of 100 Octane in 1943 was nearly 10 million tons.

To give this perspective, the Allies produced about 50% more fighter aircraft than Germany over the course of WW2 - but had ten times the high octane fuel. This tells you a lot about the air-war 1940-45.

War is merely racing "for keeps", before WW2 Daimler-Benz and Rolls-Royce were locked in a battle for Air-Speed records in the Spitfire vs. the Heinkel, Me109 and Me209. The Speed-Spitfire was in doubt after the convincing record by Willy-Messerschmitt and pilot Fritz Wendel...

johnny comelately
johnny comelately
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Re: Engineering Student Resources


More from The Secret Horsepower Race by Calum Douglas.

This looks more and more a fantastic book.

A good 2 weeks ahead, leaving Scotland to Germany today for my WW2 Engines presentation to Toyota Motorsport GmbH in Cologne, then back to UK where I`ve found a huge pile of German Camshaft design mathematics to photograph - for experimental high-lift cams for late model DB603L engine.

(Looks like a very nicely modified trapezoidal cam-accerlation - as used in some F1 engines until very recently)

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Re: Engineering Student Resources


Rustem 1988 wrote:
06 Mar 2018, 20:00
Knowledge of what sciences can be useful for understanding the work of racing cars?
Physics (for motion, forces, and aerodynamics), electronics (mechanical, electrical, and materials), chemistry (fuel and combustion processes), and even mathematics (for performance modeling and optimization) are among the sciences that are necessary to comprehend racing automobiles. On the track, these disciplines increase efficiency, safety, and performance.

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Re: Engineering Student Resources


mark95 wrote:
15 Nov 2024, 18:19
Rustem 1988 wrote:
06 Mar 2018, 20:00
Knowledge of what sciences can be useful for understanding the work of racing cars?
Physics (for motion, forces, and aerodynamics), electronics (mechanical, electrical, and materials), chemistry (fuel and combustion processes), and even mathematics (for performance modeling and optimization) are among the sciences that are necessary to comprehend racing automobiles. On the track, these disciplines increase efficiency, safety, and performance.
Since I had followed F1 (2006/07) there was/is not so much talk about chemistry in F1. Every differential aspect of car was either aerodynamics or mechanics. I cant remember single stuff where you could say: "Hey, chemists or chemical engineer form "team x" made this and that which made car better compared to rest of the field.

Tommy Cookers
Tommy Cookers
Joined: 17 Feb 2012, 16:55

Re: Engineering Student Resources


battery chemistry
for 2026 etc

the chemical fuel rule-makers were idiots
eg for 1958 mandating pump fuel (without definition) then limiting minimum 'octane' thinking it was a maximum
eg for 1980something trying to limit turbocharged power by reducing the fuel volume but leaving open the fuel mass
mere engineers defeated these rules (and others)

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Re: Engineering Student Resources


Tommy Cookers wrote:
17 Nov 2024, 15:47
battery chemistry
for 2026 etc

the chemical fuel rule-makers were idiots
eg for 1958 mandating pump fuel (without definition) then limiting minimum 'octane' thinking it was a maximum
eg for 1980something trying to limit turbocharged power by reducing the fuel volume but leaving open the fuel mass
mere engineers defeated these rules (and others)
Any articles about it?

What do you think? Can chemists or chemical/material engineers make difference in today F1?

Greg Locock
Greg Locock
Joined: 30 Jun 2012, 00:48

Re: Engineering Student Resources


Handy for answering what if questions about car design is OptimumLap, a laptime simulator. It has the great virtue of being free and having about the right level of complexity.