So guys, I'm actually breaking my mind on this one, trying to figure out possibilities how mclaren ducts their holes through the nose cone. The most standard option would be this:
The sideholes basically containing NACA ducts, moving underneath the centre duct, and the middle hole having stacked vanes, all for legality sake.
However, there might actually be another solution:
I'm not 100% sure on the legality myself. I believe the ducts separate are legal, but the combination might (or might not) create legality issues on overlap.
Basically this set up allows to get rid of the vanes in the middle hole, allowing airflow to move more unblocked through the duct. More over, this would fit the actual pictures taken from the nose cone better, as there is only a single strut visible on them. Legality vanes could still be in place however, just deeper inside the nose cone.