It's not as simple as that unfortunaly. The issue we are mainly seeing, is blistering. Blistering happens when the inside of the tyre is cold while the tread becomes excessively warm. So the issue is that the heat is not evenly spread out across the whole tyre. This has nothing to do with tyre blankets as it happens while the car is driving around. To avoid this, Mercedes try to blow more hot air on the inside of the tyre. All great and dandy, but on circuits like Mexico where air density is lower heat will quickly build up more. Next to temperature differences across your tyre, you also want to avoid outright too high temperatures for your whole tyre.
You can compare this to 230°C in space to 70°C sitting in water. Because you are sitting in way less mass (practically none) in space, you will not burn as there is little mass to sufficiently conduct the heat. You will probably be going to the hospital however when you sit in 70°C water for a few seconds. Apply that on Mexico, where there is less air density meaning less mass to conduct heat from the tyres and brakes onto, meaning much more heat buildup.
Some literature on that: