I've not seen any reaction from the Renault management about it. I'm guessing that, with Sainz gone at the end of the year, they don't see any point making waves.
Interesting to see how poorly he's done against Hulk this year. It doesn't fill me with hope for MacLaren but, perhaps this has merely been an 'off year'. We'll see next year, I guess.
I'm also guessing that Force India have been pushing investment into next year's car which might explain some of their recent poor performances (not least in this race). With Sauber upping their game, Renault pouring in more money and, maybe, MacLaren working out how to locate their ass with both hands (and a map) we could get another exciting battle next year. It's a shame Haas will likely be falling back and Williams' struggles are only goint to get worse. Still, Kimi vs Hulk and Ricciardo...lip-smackingly good