It looks pregnant, everything looks cute when pregnant, its a nature thing

It looks pregnant, everything looks cute when pregnant, its a nature thing
So, are they going to reduce the weight too?
I don't know about that, but that would be great too, but I doubt it. Just read that the energy store will increase from 4MJ to 5MJ, and deployment will be increased from 120kw to 150kw, so bigger batteries means more weight? ... der-infos/
Silverstone negotiated a 17 year race deal with Ecclestone where the fee paid to FOM increased by 5% each year for the privilege of hosting F1. Still they are loss making despite the highest attendance in F1 around 340,000 over the weekend and around 140,000 on race day - so chose to activate a break clause in the contract to try and negotiate a new deal with Carey and co from Liberty - along the lines of the profit share promised to the proposed Miami promoters and got together with some other promoters to issue a press release along those lines.
Wouldn't mind if alle teams had to use same internals, but why??? Can't imagine there is that much money spend on internals of the gearboxes.
They are slowly turning f1 into a spec series, it's depressing.
1.1 The aim of single source supply is to retain current levels of Formula One gear change
performance for all cars at a much reduced cost to the COMPETITORS while also removing the
requirement for teams to design or source their own gearboxes. The unit can be carried over
between seasons so removing the need for costly continual performance development.
1.2 In order to retain COMPETITOR’s own freedoms for suspension and for the gearbox aero surfaces,
the outer housing will remain team specific (designed and produced by the COMPETITOR) with
the common, self-contained gearbox cassette mounted inside.
2.1 This gearbox cassette will be mandated for all COMPETITORS for the 2021 season onwards.
2.2 The gearbox cassette will include 7 forward ratios, 1 reverse ratio and the differential/final drive
in a unit that also includes its own oil system (excluding the team-provided cooler) and the
hydraulics necessary for its own operation as well as some other car functions.
2.3 The unit is intended to replace all the functionality of a current F1 gearbox in a similar package
and close to typical current weights. Details of the technical specification are given in Appendix 1
– Technical Specification.
2.4 New units supplied to teams or PU suppliers will be sealed and tested to ensure functionality,
performance and that they are fluid-tight. Any units used at races will be sealed by the FIA and
become one of the four designated race gearboxes. If problems are identified during the life of
the gearbox, new parts may be substituted providing they are identical (or latest issue equivalent)
parts from the selected provider.