RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures

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RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


Hi all,

we've been at RaceSalon yesterday, networking a bit with a couple of teams who we have found very accessible and friendly. Thanks a lot, especially to Renault and Force India.

Obviously we've taken some pics, you can find a selection in the gallery:
http://www.f1technical.net/gallery/v/Ev ... alon+2008/

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Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


To make you all jealous...the Force India car is the one of this season, the test car which will travel from Rotterdam straight to Monza. I get to sit in it. In Fisichella's seat with his steering wheel in my hands.

I got to sit in the R27 as well. The car was backstage in the Experience Hall after running a demo. As press we obviously got to enter there and I asked if I could sit in it and the lovely guys from Renault let me. When the steering wheel popped, it said HEIKKI. So it was one of the steering wheels of Kovalainen from last year.

It was a great experience. But, those F1 pilots are really small and slim. I'm don't look like a supermodel, but I'm not fat either and I have to say that I had troubles fitting into the seat of Fisichella. :oops: :oops: :oops: But the guys from the test team say that its normal, so I don't have to feel bad about it :P! It went much easier in the R27 :wink:

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Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


Great pictures!

Especially the rear ends of the McLaren and The Renault were quite interesting.
Hope you guys had a great time at the event, and thanks for the pics. =D>

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Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


I'm so jealous! I'd really like to sit in an F1 car once, and appreciate the visibility of what's in front and what you can really see in the mirrors. Simulators always leaves a doubt about the accuracy of the view, and the feeling of being sat so low is up to one's mind. The real thing must feel so... real (excuse the total lack of inspiration there :) )

Last month we had the exclusive reportage from Valancia, now the Rotterdam Salon, we're really pampered these days. I'm straightly looking forward your travel to Spa now, and all these great pics of the GP you're going to bring us... 8)

Thanks a lot!

PS: A few pics of our Princess in the car wouldn't have done any harm, too. That is, if Tomba agrees of course. :P

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Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


Yes, it was a nice experience being in the two F1 cars. Especially the test car from Force India... It was nice to now that fisico was already in it and that he would be in Monza again.

Pics of me don't have to be put on the site :oops: :oops: :oops: . I'm too shy

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


Can anyone tell me what is that fan behind the radiator?


Joined: 10 Aug 2008, 01:12

Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


What a small engine. Where are the 3.5 litre V10s ?? :cry:
The only way to close a stupid question is to give a smart answer

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Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


timbo wrote:Can anyone tell me what is that fan behind the radiator?
Radiator fans are usually fixed to the cars when they are used for demo displays as the speeds are too low to provide adequate cooling. It allows for the drivers to run the car a little bit longer compared to without the fans ;)

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: RaceSalon Rotterdam pictures


Tomba wrote:
timbo wrote:Can anyone tell me what is that fan behind the radiator?
Radiator fans are usually fixed to the cars when they are used for demo displays as the speeds are too low to provide adequate cooling. It allows for the drivers to run the car a little bit longer compared to without the fans ;)
Ah! Thanks!