I know it may be amtuer question but i would likt to know the scintific meaning of g-force
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G-force is a acceleration that means how many times is grater than earths
gravity acceleration(9,81 m/sˇ2)!
In F1 you can calculate G-force with Pitagora, bacuse the moviment of F1
can be approximate to be in 90° to the earths center!
In acceleration of the car is the sum (A) of the gravitiy force(g) and acceleration (a) equals: Aˇ2=gˇ2+aˇ2! So the G-force us G=A/g!
In cornering in the side force is a=vˇ2/r (v=speed of the car, r=radius of the turn) So the sum (A) is: Aˇ2=gˇ2+(vˇ2/r)ˇ2! And the G force is again G=A/g!
Here the acceleration is not the force (NOT G-force)that the driver experiences if you want the force that the driver experience you must multiply the G force with the mass of the pilot (F=mG)! But the definition of the G-force is exact in calculs above!