I hate to bang on about it but these press releases aren't written by aerodynamicists or anyone who ever really has to actually look at the rules. It's probably some social media intern who's using the same out of date references you keep bringing up. Just look at the proliferation of "wake turbulence" when talking about the impact of wakes (a personal bugbear) like we should be impressed they know a big word.
exact wording on the bargeboards from the F1 rules - the length remains fixed to between 430mm behind the front axle line and a diagonal line at an angle to the car centreplane fixed ahead of the rear face of the cockpit template (plane C-C). 3.5.6b has been tidied up to fix the bargeboards relative to the outer face of the chassis regs. You can make this region longer by stretching the monocoque length, but you then run into issues with the COG.
2018 wording
3.5.6 Bargeboards height
With the exception of the mirrors defined in Article 3.5.2, no bodywork which, in plan view, is in the area enclosed by the intersection of the following lines may be more than 475mm above the reference plane:
a) A longitudinal line parallel to and 800mm from the car centre plane.
b) A longitudinal line parallel to and 320mm from the car centre plane.
c) A transverse line 430mm rearward of the front wheel centre plane.
d) A diagonal line running rearwards and outwards, from a point 625mm forward of the plane C-C and 320mm from the car centre plane, at an angle of 75° to the car centre plane.
2019 wording
3.5.6 Bargeboard height
No bodywork which, in plan view, is in the area enclosed by the intersection of the following lines may be more than 350mm above the reference plane :
a) A longitudinal line parallel to and 800mm from the car centre plane.
b) A diagonal line running rearwards and outwards, from a point 430mm rearward of the front wheel centre line and 240mm from the car centre plane, at an angle of 4.5° to the car centre plane.
c) A transverse line 430mm rearward of the front wheel centre plane.
d) A line running through a point 625mm forward of the plane C-C and 320mm from the car centre plane, running parallel to the diagonal line defined in Article 3.5.5(c).