Thanks for the replies... I should fix a few things.
tempest wrote:
For further reduction in losses (called head in civil engineering) try curving the pipe into the surface to get a sort of bell end. It will lower your loss here by about 10 times
This has been done, but I just didn't draw it in.
tempest wrote:
another thing, keep that airflow as straight as possible, your airbox that you drew makes the air move to much inside it i think. it is too restrictive
The geometry of the pipes are all fixed... although I'm not sure why said geometry was chosen.
red300zx99x wrote:
Another thing the optimum angle for air to enter the cylinder is straight down. Since the geometry is fixed how do you plan to change the angle of attack, engine mounting? or are you allowed to change the throat?
To change the angle, the whole airbox is basically angled down, and a curved pipe is used to the engine.
Look at my crappy diagram -