wesley123 wrote:It is just a guess, in car........, wich is pretty plausible. Maybe it will be even more if they paint the logo on it and dont use stickers.flynfrog wrote:where are you get.....ded down quite a bitwesley123 wrote: you know how man...... that, the car will be cleaned after every run so it looks better for the sponsors. You cant make the paint as nice as they are with only 2 kilos of paint, with that you will only make 1 layer of paint.
here is a similar paint to Macas http://www.kustomrides.com/chromepaint.htm
it goes on a powder
some setups can be recycle
Maybe you should ask mclaren about it, they wont give it precise but maybe they will give a roughly taken answer, like 5 kilo.
snip snip snip, take a close look next time you're at a car show and there are f1 cars on display, even the display models have very simplistic finish. For the most part you'll notice little in the way of primer, the coverage is far from perfect, and if the graphic allows, they will put colours on the same layer, so your flourescent orange could well be on the same layer as your chrome, it takes a little longer to mask, as you've got more steps, but it also saves on paint. Hell last F1 car i saw in person didn't have clearcoat anywhere (an older toyota 2001ish). Internet grade digital photography doesn't tell the whole story of what a surface looks like.