jon-mullen wrote:Creating money is what treasuries do. They create money based on their own outstanding debt.
Wrong. The US Treasury does not create the money. The Federal Reserve does. The Fed doesn't create it on the amount of debt they have, they create it based on what the Treasury is asked by Congress to finance. Congress, and your current Presidential candidates talk about tax cuts to make the average joe feel better. But here's the thing. They don't pay for the things the sign into law with tax revenue, they do it through the Federal Reserve. And every time they ask the Fed for money, you and I get hit in the wallet through inflation. Bailing out failing companies is killing the US dollar and it is making it harder and harder for a family to even live, much less buy --- they can't afford.
jon-mullen wrote:If countries were to completely pay down their debt, there would be no money.
Wrong. If people paid their debts off the BANKS wouldn't have any money. And if the banks had no money, the governments of the world would have to tax their citizens at a rate they wouldn't tolerate. They couldn't start wars. Or finance projects that the people don't want or need. Banks NEED debt to keep the doors open, they make their money by screwing their customers and loaning money they don't have. You need to read a book by the name of
The Creature from Jekyll Island. Or if you want it in audiobook type format you can get it
here. It would teach you just exactly how money works and the scam that the Federal Reserve is pulling on the middle class.
jon-mullen wrote:Capitalism is supposed to set housing prices. It rigged them too high, mortgages are overvalued, everyone admits that houses were not worth what capitalism said they were worth.
Wrong. Capitalism does not set home prices. The free market is supposed to. The free market went out the window with the Community Reinvestment Act. That in turn required banks to lend money to people that couldn't afford the loan they took out. With the market seeing that everyone could get any loan amount they requested they had to raise prices, because if you gave everyone a million dollars the value would go down and prices for goods will have to increase because of inflation. What we are seeing now is the
true value of homes. Not a decline. All of this was brought on by government interference, not capitalism. Same with gasoline. The US Government, and the EPA among many other restrict our ability to producing it here, forcing us to buy it elsewhere at the sellers demands. I'm not all for just drilling anywhere, I would like it to be thought out and planned to reduce the effects of the surrounding environment. Now you could say that's what the US Government and the EPA and all those guys are doing, but you'd be wrong. Going all the way back to
NIXON, this is what they were saying. Why we don't have an energy source that is produced here in the US
is precisely because of their involvement, or delays as I call it. Government is the problem not the solution.
jon-mullen wrote:Capitalism is supposed to select the best fuel and automobile. One hundred American auto companies became three, and GM has lost more money than it ever made. We're forced to go to war to continue a lifestyle that a modicum of economic/social planning could've told you was unsustainable.
Wrong. The free market is supposed to decide. Why is GM doing so badly? Because they decided that they were going to build bigger more fuel inefficient vehicles, now people are flocking to little cars that are fuel efficient. Honda, Toyota, and other car companies realized this and stuck to the plan. I love GM cars and trucks, but I say let them fail. The longer you provide a company that is failing a lifeline to continue operating the harder the fall is going to be. It's like giving a dope addict one more fix, the longer you do it, the more painful his/her detox is going to be. Possibly fatal.
We aren't going to war to continue this "lifestyle". It's to make money. ALL war has been about money and power. Nothing more, nothing less. We, the US, are in so many countries meddling in other peoples affairs we are reaping what we sow. As an Iraq war veteran I dispise the war. We shouldn't be there or anywhere else. We are trying to finance our empire with what is basically monopoly money. We don't need military bases in Japan, Okinawa, South Korea, Germany or any other country. This is costing us massively. They are financing this illegal and unjust empire with fiat money. Not real. When inflation gets so bad we can't even buy a loaf of bread with a wheelbarrow full of dollars you'll see what I'm talking about. Look at Zimbabwe. We are headed that way, and very soon if we don't clean up our act.
jon-mullen wrote:For how vulgar you're making the word "socialism" sound, it seems like what you're really complaining about is capital's ability to beget capital, which is the foundation of...capitalism!
You think we aren't experiencing Socialism? Where have you been the past year? Our Congress just asked the Fed to 'loan' the financial sector almost a
trillion dollars to help them stay afloat. If that isn't Socialism I don't know what is. Socialize the losses, privatize the gains. Maybe you can tell me what exactly these 'bailouts' are going back from Chrysler asking for money to today. Barack Obama has been criticizing the free markets for causing families to lose their retirements yet voted in favor of bailing out the very institutions that caused them, the Democrats in control of Congress voted in favor of the bailouts and it isn't working, they voted in favor of the stimulus plan and are currently talking about another one and the first one failed. The Republicans are no better, they voted in favor of all those too. Explain to me how everything the Government has done has failed on an epic scale, and yet the people of this country fight tooth and nail to try and act like the other side is the fault of all this.
Wikipedia wrote:Capitalism is the economic system in which the means of production are distributed to openly competing profit-seeking private persons and where investments, distribution, income, production and pricing of goods and services are predominantly determined through the operation of a market economy in which anyone can participate in supply and demand and form contracts with each other, rather than by central economic planning.
Where in there does it say that the Government asks a central bank to provide money to a company or companies to keep the lights on? Nowhere. That is not capitalism. Notice the last 6 words in that sentence. 'Rather than by central economic planning'. I've heard 'central banks' on every news outlet in print, radio, and television use those words talking about the
world economic problems. Do you see the connection with 'central economic planning' and 'central banks'? The banks and the politicians are the ones causing all this, not the free market they keep blaming.
jon-mullen wrote:Capitalism is supposed to get the best workers the highest pay and the most job options. Manufacturing jobs and even design jobs have gone overseas where workers are paid less and unable to organize or unionize.
Wrong. The free market is supposed to decide. You could possibly guess, or other members of this forum could, that I am posting this early because I might have lost my job. I was laid off from the 'manufacturing job' not because of jobs being sent overseas, though it is definitely true that has been happening for a number of years, but because the US is quickly losing it's ability to compete in the world market. The engine shop I worked at cut jobs because they weren't getting any work. The world economy is so bad right now they had to. Central banks the world over are failing at an alarming rate. RBS, AIG, Bank of America, ING to name a few. And yet while all of these banks are having problems they are sponsoring Formula 1! Why in the hell are they unloading so much money in sponsorship if they can't even keep there heads above water?! They shouldn't be out having fun if they can't be responsible at home. Bad decisions deserve a punishment, and that punishment should be closing the doors and going out of business.
I wasn't alive in the 60's and 70's, but can you take a crack at why a 12 ounce coke costs a nickle back then but costs a dollar or more today? Or why you could buy a 1970 Chevelle SS 454 for a shade over 4 grand yet a shitty family car will cost you over 10 grand now? Inflation. Government intervention. The printing of money. Need I go on?
You seem to totally miss the point I made about debt doesn't repay debt. The world cannot continue to allow the creation of currency by the stroke of a pen or computer key. If you read your history in every country and every empire the creation of a currency led to their ultimate demise.
A country simply cannot survive by creating money, it's never worked and will never work.
Sorry for the rant.
One more thing. Read
this article. Very interesting.