This idea that F1 should be allowed to develop technologies with no regard to cost is misguided. F1 should always be at the leading edge of technological development but it simply has to have SOME parameters that it has to work within.
I am passionate about F1 although, to all intents and purposes, it serves no purpose. It is an entertainment but seeing it out of context and insisting that there should be more and more money poured into F1 on the basis that "it is F1 and F1 has to progress", seems to be a very distorted view on things IMO. Underlying this distorted view is the premise that the present F1 model where the only route to success is if a team is owned by a manufacturer. There have been other models in the past and I expect that there will be different ones in the future. Just saying that F1 is at the leading edge of technology and things must remain the same is a view that will lock F1 onto a path that will lead to F1 becoming extinct.
In the past, F1 has never needed to look after its own. There has always been another team with ambition ready to step in and have a go at F1 success. That is no longer the case. F1 is already running with two teams/franchises short and can ill afford to lose any more. I was very sorry to see Jordan and Jaguar fail. I was even more sorry to see SA sacrificed to avoid FIF1's case go to the International Court of Arbitration for Sport and defuse the situation by having the "ten team" rule kick in. SA deserved a lot more support from us all.
If the present FIA initiative has a hidden agenda to push manufacturers away from team ownership, then I fully support it. Manufacturers have always dipped into F1 when it has suited them and they have also taken their leave when it is has suited them. Manufacturers' shareholders will have the final say and sooner or later they will force an exit from F1. It is far better for F1 to take control of the situation and shape its own future rather than wait for events to run their course.
I am not sure if a standard engine will be the way that the FIA directs F1 for the future or whether their will be the acceptance of a compromise solution from FOTA. Whatever is decided will be fine by me. F1 needs change and it needs it quickly. F1 needs the likes of Dave Richards and EJ. F1 needs a queue of teams waiting to get into F1.
I do not support a 'standardised' series, but saying that a standardised engine means that F1 will no longer be at the forefront of technological development is wrong. F1 will simply develop in other areas than engine technologies. Bring on the changes and quickly before F1 disappears up its own exhaust pipes. Max has got this one right.