Post here all non technical related topics about Formula One. This includes race results, discussions, testing analysis etc. TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.
I’m relatively new as an F1 fan. I went “all in” on F1 about 3 years ago, and have been reading the posts ever since, and have occasionally have posted in the race threads. Being new, I’m not well versed on the finer details about the cars, the technologies employed, etc. Is there a section on here that shows an “exploded view” of the various components that make up an F1 car? I’d like to know the difference between a barge board, a side pod, a difuser vs a floor, etc. I’ve sent a couple of messages to a couple of the mods, but I guess they’re busy overseeing this website. I’d like to find the appropriate area to post my questions without being “off topic”. I’ve been really impressed at times with the technical expertise of many of the posters on here. Some of you guys must be physicists or something akin. F1 is so much more interesting and compelling than other forms of auto racing. My last point is why have I waited so long to become a full- fledged F1 fan. It’s an exhilarating sport that I wish I could have appreciated years ago. I guess here in the States F1 is apparently not nearly as popular as it is on the “other side of the pond” and beyond, so to speak. If someone can point me in the right direction as to where I can post my questions, like the aforementioned “exploded car view” detailing the various components, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you in advance for any feedback.
Giorgio Paolo's drawings can also be a big help. Perhaps just scroll through one of the car threads of 2019, f.e the RB15. Start at the winter tests and see the car develop, lot's of talk about the changed components. For me that was a real learning experience.
Giorgio Paolo's drawings can also be a big help. Perhaps just scroll through one of the car threads of 2019, f.e the RB15. Start at the winter tests and see the car develop, lot's of talk about the changed components. For me that was a real learning experience.
Piola's pictograms of updates throughout any given season are probably the best visuals you will ever find. Chainbear on YouTube has good videos explaining lots of things about the cars, as well.
Make sure to check out the car threads regularly, you should get to know the different parts of the car and their roles pretty quickly.
Feel free to ask questions in these threads as well if they're not to general I guess.