LVDH wrote: ↑23 Apr 2020, 08:00
Yesterday night, I uploaded a new MFlow version. It fixes issues involving the strange behavior you have seen in Windows. You should now be able to start the simulation through the GUI again and the post-processing images get put into the correct folder again.
The fix killed something else though, that I had to deactivate. The terminal output from the mesher and cfd solver does not get piped into the MFlow GUI anymore (for now). This means that you will have to take care and check for yourself if the simulation is still running.
I can confirm that the post-pro issue has been resolved. Pictures go in the right folder and report generated.
I also found some extra potential bugs:

At post processing the vehicle surface used seems to be the original instead of the raked one used in the mesh.
Also, are the Clf,Clr coefficients correctly calculated at run time?
This is the output from the gui:
Force Coefficients averaged Total - Cd: 1.254, Cl: -2.126, Cl/Cd: -1.695, Cl(f): -1.495, Cl(r): -0.631, CoP: 1.009
But looking at the per iteration trace it shows positive Cl(rr)!?
Has anyone experienced this issues?