Well, what a fun few days. F1 is back, the car looks poised on track, and responsive, and seems to have less back end issues than other teams.
I still hope and think, as I did before pre season, that we have caught RB a little but, but I do think that the teams around us will fight just as hard, so as optimistic as I am, this still looks to be a tough year.
Any thoughts that we are clear third fastest should probably go out of the window, Im not sure there will be many to disagree with that.
But we might be able to fight to be third fastest car (not team) on merit by the end of the season by the looks of it.
In any case, so far it looks like another step forward. And guess what, next year we have quick wins with more compact packaging and adapting to the merc style rear suspension layout, so it seems like we are onward and upward for some time yet
Edit: I posted that after some delay, and it seems folks in here do think we are clear third fastest. Yikes, hope that is correct.