Ciro's meta-curiosity unearthed an intriguing hydraulic device in a thread last year, which checkered (a valued contributor, the forum is certainly diminished without his investigative posts) detailed contributions. I seem to remember the inventor of the hydristor also took part. One of our best threads.
OT - Shame that in depth engineering threads and posts have got up and 'left the building' - seemed to happen when F1T got into loose concept based amusements instead of threads that included any intellectual effort and research. Things change - Guess that's a rant.
Hydristor Push To Pass
Edit - Yes your right Xpensive, the picture aero threads inspire a lot of in depth discussions and some of the generous contributions of bar555 and certainly many other members are a resource now and in years to come. Some of our other threads are also very informative, members to of course. The threads on chassis dynamics and race circuit layout/construction, carbon fiber layup and monocoque and engine and transmissions are 'must reads'. Since I joined,I've read the entire Forum library. There's always a 'technical group' posting. I'd like to see more in-depth threads. It may be that the technology of F1 is beyond non-professionals and a stagnation in the evolution of F1. Perhaps it has reached a point of perfection
I would just like more discussion, more research of technology. I know this Edit could have been sent as a PM ... but I've written it to encourage present members, past members and future members.