wow, how judgemental of you. that is seriously what you got from my post?

I can see through the 'crocodile tears' and the usual press and corporate 'talk' of both Williams, Sauber, and yes, also of that of Mclaren.
Claire is playing the 'emotion' card now as if Mclaren is doing something nobody ever in F1 has done; 'Stealing' sponsors - meanwhile, it's just her word / accusation on that, and nothing more.
I'm calling it 'funny' not in a humuorous way as if i'm enjoyed by it, perhaps you should revise the broad meanings of what a word 'funny' can apply to.
Williams has attracted paydriver after paydriver, and left talent in the cold. Sauber likewise. Hell the way things are going @ Williams right now a repeat of signing 3 drivers for 2 seats would not be that impossible.
And just as funny - not at all humerous though - is claims like Mclaren can't fill a 'gap' of Honda leaving financially, which would mean that you - and countless other 'armchair heroes' - actually have any insight or knowledge about how much money Honda ever really invested in Mclaren. That is, not based upon hearsay reports from hearsay paddock rumours from numbers made up by 'f1 pundits' that really have zero information about the matter but know that media and 'fans' only want to wake up or come home to clicbait sensational heads in newspapers and feeds.
Sponsors go from team to team through F1's history and will always do so - whatever the reason is.
Again, it's rather 'weep with me' stories when accusations are made that certain 'codes' are broken or 'gentleman' behaviour about losing some sponsor. All along, it's just as non-gentleman or sportive of Williams to block a extended testing day because they want to have some shooting schedules and stuff for themselves, even if it is their right to it.
And do i need to feel remorse for a team making millions and millions of dollars, happily taking millions of millions (hundreds that is) of paydrivers (in total), losing sponsors which will cost them a loss of money, and perhaps the result being some people may be let off for that reason, whom will have no problem finding another job, within F1, or within another employer, earning lots of money? As if those same employees won't get fired anyway because somebody reshuffles the organisation anyway?
Don't get me wrong, i think it's sad that Williams 'has to' find refuge in weak paydrivers, that they lose sponsors, but that makes them little different to the rest of the teams. And with all their money they can't even stand in the shadow of Force India operating on a massively tinier budget and is much closer to the podiums than williams is for years on end, despite williams being a 'heritage' team that should know how to win, as they once were so mighty in. Yet also Ferrari has had years and years of draught before Schumacher came along. And so has Mclaren before.