ESPImperium wrote:Im just glad that his HANS device did its job and stopped his head from slamming into the steering wheel and causing more damage to his head.
Not only did his head appear to hit the wheel very violently, it also rattled back and forth very rapidly and with alot of force. That is what literally killed Eric Medlen in his Funny Car a few years back. I would bet money that the spring knocked him out and the impact with the barrier caused his injuries that are threatening his life.
Watch his head as he goes over the first set of curbs headed towards the tires. He's very obviously not fully awake and his head is bobbing up and down all the way until he impacts the tires. He hits so hard that, if you slow it down, you can see the back of his helmet all the way to the back bottom edge and the complete left side of his helmet. After the initial impact you can also see his head violently ping-ponging off the sides of the cockpit. THAT in my opinion is where his head injuries came from. The spring knocked him out and the barrier impact, plus hitting the steering wheel, is what caused his injuries. It can be argued that the spring broke the visor and weakened the helmet, and the hit on the wheel finished it. Not to mention there was absolutely no movement from him directly after the last hit, indicating it might have knocked him back out after somewhat regaining conciousness.
Amazing enough he was okay enough to touch his face on the stretcher. I think in the first image he is still dazed but came around enough in the second to touch his injury over his eye.