ESPImperium wrote:Im just wondering what serated skirts would do to the aerodynamics of a car???
I dont know exactly what skirts you talking about. There are lots of skirts in f1 car. I'll try to clear the situation about diffuser skirts.
Basically serrated skirt in diffuser works like a vortex generator. Lets see how vortex generator works on standart wing:
VG generates vortex, that spreads over wing surface.
Next picture we can see that at high angle of attack wing has flow separation that leads to stall. However using VG leads to higher maximun angle of attack without stall:
In aviation (my specialization) we dont like using VG too much because it leads to higher drag. However any aircraft that needs supermaneuverability (like fighter or sports aircraft) use VG because drag is not so critical there.
Next picture shows that when u look at f1 car body its very similar to airfoil:
With simple diffuser we can not create too much downforce because it would lead to flow separation:
But using VG will help to avoid flow separation at high diffuser angles:
Blown diffuser has similar effect, but maybe a bit more effective:
In aviation we have similar effect, we call it supercirculation. It works when jet stream located behind aerodynamic surface. Check MiG 1.44 - it uses supercirculation.