A place to discuss the characteristics of the cars in Formula One, both current as well as historical. Laptimes, driver worshipping and team chatter do not belong here.
* Nose tip really looks like a well achieved Mclaren concept if not even better
** VERY big changes on both front and rear suspensions geometry (probably the biggest change the f14-t needed IMHO)
*** Tighter back compared to the 2014 car with more sloped and well shaped sidepods
Both front and rear wing doesn't look particularly changed but guess we should wait the tests and see
Finally looking both quick and sexy!! That Alfa Romeo sticker looks soo good!
I think that once you look closely you see that the sidepod shape is actually a lot tigther and more similar to the red bull than last year; it also has very small air intakes at the front of the sidepods (much smaller than the W06).
The difference is that Ferrari have kept the bodywork carrying all the way to the diffuser which I understand is supposed to keep the airflow attached better.
Also needs to be noted that Ferrari, unlike other teams, are getting more air under their nose this year than last. For most it's the reverse.
i wonder why Allison seems a little low on the interview. he also seems to slightly avoid answering the the questions.
but his talks definetly point towards 2016. good good good.
looks like an interesting car indeed. i really don't like the lenght of the nose but overall it's beautiful.
EDIT: alot of people seem to always hate on the noses of the cars.
for once we've got noses on the cars that look good, infact bilions times better than the stupid stepped or super high noses, or the bloody gentleman's sausages of last year.
if these noses are so damn ugly, tell me what kinda nose you'd bloody like to see then?!
Last edited by poolboy67 on 30 Jan 2015, 13:34, edited 1 time in total.
i have dyslexia and english is not my native language. please be gentle.
Thanks. I was in the process of generating the same comparison. Yours came out just as I expected. 2015 Ferrari is still quite a fatty around the hips and ass. Din't they say that the back will be much slimmer?
At a glance, it looks like they cleaned up the coke bottle - it is much smoother now. The side pods are different, and maybe even have a smaller volume, but because of the unusual shape with the drop-off on the sides it's difficult to tell. I wonder what they expect from that anyway - possibly better flow to the rear in turns (i.e. to help control the flow of the vortices toward the rear in the turn)?
The nose is as pretty and simple as last years' ugly and complex...could work, since it will be easy to simulate. Could also be a place holder until testing begins. And let's not forget - the nose itself also generates downforce, unless they make it like last year's.
THEY HAVE RAKE!!!!! That took long enough.
The suspensions look very compact & clean, but I just can't determine if that is a good thing or not, since air flow in that area is king.
The diffusor is unique - its "corners" are now very round, which I think is determined by or necessary for the rake they want to use.
I don't think that the pull rod suspension will survive the whole season.
I honestly don't think it will be too bad, and will have potential to get faster as the season progresses. All the wings and brake ducts are from last year, so they will (hopefully) be different (better) at the first test.
“Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!” Monty Python and the Holy Grail
My mind can't comprehend how much longer the Ferrari is compared to the McLaren. And this comparison is with the Ferrari on a slightly smaller scale then McLaren...