Billzilla wrote: ↑14 Feb 2021, 22:23
etusch wrote: ↑14 Feb 2021, 17:16
wow. 19 k with single cylinder! I also have some ideas but I don't know if I could do it or will it work. At single cylinder I think 2 stroke is best.
I suspect he means the original - and by far the best - CBR250RR. They are a four cylinder 250cc and the factory redline is 19,000 rpm. I used to own one and with a rather large me on it, it wasn't very fast but oh my did it sound good.
Yes, that's correct. The original CBR250RR mine is 1990.
etusch wrote: ↑14 Feb 2021, 17:11
graham.reeds wrote: ↑20 May 2020, 20:29
There was a kid who designed a V6 from scratch and posted renders of it. Dunno if he is still about or ever got further than renders.
Don't think he had planned for high rpm.
he was @glenntws. he had good innovative ideas about engines.
Thats for that! I'll have to look him up and see if I can find anything on his engine.
coaster wrote: ↑10 Jan 2021, 10:02
Well were in lockdown again and im bored, so here comes a casting pattern build. This model is not there yet, will use pvc tubes, plywood and bondo for the mold.
Keep up the good work! cant wait to see what you come up with!