For the submission, just send the sketchup file to Nick (nick@khamsinvirtualracecarchallenge.com) and/or myself (julien@khamsinvirtualracecarchallenge.com). I have to admit that we are getting a bit caught up in regards to timing - we will try to improve for next year. If the file is large (let's say over 10MB), it would be great if you can put it on a skydrive/dropbox and send us a link.
I am just getting through the final touches for the CFD side (trying to make sure it all works). As mentioned before, once we have the results we will send you a link to one of the CFD result so that you can use them to learn and improve for next year. Likely format is VTK which can be opened in ParaView (open source available at http://www.paraview.org). If you have access to other post-processing tool, just drop me an email when you get the results and we will see if we can provide results in another format.
For info: there will be some minor changes compared to the CFD results shown on the website. So I am also rerunning the KVRC showcase car (and Nick may have done an update to it).
We will get some CFD results pictures for the website of the teams cars (the pictures will have team names on them). Let us know if it is a problem.
Please send us any pictures/render that you would like to have on the team page.