djos wrote:How the F'k is any engine manufacturer supposed to get the max power and efficiency from their engines if the goal posts move every time they put a different FFM in their car?foxmulder_ms wrote:
It doesn't even matter what the "real" flow is. "Flow" is the "flow measured by the FIA device" which is the same for every team. So RedBull run on more fuel flow time to time than other teams which makes the disqualification perfectly reasonable.
Horner is 100% correct, the sensors being used are immature and seriously need work!
This is like the in car SC, Yellow flag & blue flag indicator system all over again, FIA just can't seem to implement systems properly first go! The difference being this time there are championship points on the line!
Every single other team raced in the limits of FIA flow meter. RedBull did not. RedBull cannot write its own rule, mate.