Well, it depends who you ask. So far, it seems that emotions are running high. Nobody has shown telemetry about Hamilton throttle.myurr wrote:... The weight of opinion definitely seems to be behind McLaren...
On the british side, fans are enraged, that's true. Here you have a sample of headlines, headlines that I think are bringing a lot of people to this thread:
- Times: "put the cork back, Lewis: you actually came third"
- Sun: "I did nothing wrong"
- Daily Mirror: "Chicanery" - "stewards strip Lewis of victory"
- The Independent: "Farcical"
- Daily Mail: "Robbed of victory"
- Daily Telegraph: "Bitter end - Spa drama"
- Daily Express: "Highway Robbery, Lewis"
- Daily Star: "Lew rage at race robbery" - "Lewis wins’n loses"
On the other hand:
Gazzeta dello Sport poll (Votes: 53684. Another 50000 emotional people, I think):
- Giusto, l'inglese ha tratto un vantaggio nel sorpasso di Raikkonen
(Just, the briton has got an advantage overtaking Raikkonen)
- Sbagliato, l'inglese non ha commesso scorrettezze
(Unjust, the englishman did nothing wrong)
Alonso: "The FIA decided to change (the system) after several big scandals during past seasons. This year, if you do something wrong, you pay. I touched a painted line in Valencia and I got a 10,000 Euros fine. The decision to change (the system) was done with very good judgement, because in the past four of five years, there were always surprises. You never knew what they were going to do."
Massa: "It is true that for good races you need good overtaking, but there is overtaking and then there's overtaking. He did not have the patience to wait for another corner and try again, and the rules say he should be penalised."
Last quote:
"And in this traitor world
there is nothing truth nor lie
everything is according to the colour
of the glass you use to watch it"
-- Ramón de Campoamor, Doloras y Humoradas --