Metric vs Imperial units

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Actually the base unit for mass is the Newton, not the kilogram.

It is also handy that gravity approximates to 10.

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


WhiteBlue wrote:
Pup wrote:We should switch everything to base 12.
What is the rational behind such an alien proposal? Do you have six fingers on your hand?
WhiteBlue wrote:We are not going to eliminate the duodecimal base completely from our world, that is true. The clock is split in twelve hours, the year in twelve months and the circle in 360° polar coordinates. Those conventions were made before the power of the decimal system on metrics was fully appreciated. In the dark age of feudalism you had a different set of units when you crossed the border of one local aristocrat to the next. It is a shame that the British empire did not come across the elegance of the decimal system before they aquired the power to rule more than half the world. The Romans and Napoleon were a bit luckier in that.
The only reason our current decimal system seems more logical is because we've chosen to limit ourselves to ten digits. And the only reason we did that is because Europeans were too stupid to count to 12 on their fingers, like the Babylonians who centuries earlier were wildly counting to 12 on one hand every day. Of course the Babys goofily combined 12 and 10 base systems into a 60-base one, but that's beside the point. The point is that I can easily count by 12 on my fingers and so can you just by touching the tip of my thumb to one of your 12 finger joints. And the broader point of course 12 is a far better base since it is divisible easily into thirds and quarters as well as in half, which is something 10 just never could pick up on.

People confound the idea of positional with decimal, which of course is just wrong. Those little dots have no special affinity for any particular digit.

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


richard_leeds wrote:Actually the base unit for mass is the Newton, not the kilogram.

It is also handy that gravity approximates to 10.
The Newton is the derived unit of force. It is defined as the force needed to accelerate one kilogram at one metre per second per second. The dimension of the Newton is kg.m/s^2

The kilogram is the base unit of mass in the SI system.
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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Belatti wrote:And you are all forgetting about temperature. Water freezing and boiling points at normal atmosferical pressures are an easy and "decimal" way to measure temperature.

You know, if it rains and the temp is below 0°c you know its snow. Has more sense than saying "if the temp is below 32°f"...

Yesterday I took a flight and the captain said "we are travelling at 11.000 metres above the sea level" and you instantly know that the ground is 11 kilometres below, you get a feel of where are you. Now, when he translated that to English, well... 36,000 feet doesnt give me a clue.
Why is that? You have a better intuitive sense of 11,000 than 33,000? As for myself, I find the idea of a 'foot' far more intuitive than the estimated radius of the earth at an arbitrary point divided by ten million. On a more human scale, it's far easier to relate to a standard countertop height being three feet rather than 910cm.

Celsius has exactly one point I can relate to, which I agree is nice.

I've always wondered why they didn't base the metric system on the nautical mile, which makes far more sense to me than the meter.

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Doh! Stupid me. Lucky I didn't do any calcs today.

I blame the frustrations of browsing and typing on a blackberry and that I'm on crap crowded train for 4 hours and some numpty closed the buffet. Not even any water, and I haven't eaten since a stale sandwich in a meeting at 1pm (5 hours ago)

Phew! Found a pack of raisins in my bag placed there by my 18 month daughter. That should give me a litre of hydration, or a gram, or perhaps an ounce.

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Pup wrote:And the only reason we did that is because Europeans were too stupid to count to 12 on their fingers.
Congratulations. You just managed to insult a complete continent. Quite some feat on F1technical.
Pup wrote:And the broader point of course 12 is a far better base since it is divisible easily into thirds and quarters as well as in half.
The big point of the positional decimal system is avoiding the use of fraction. The basic numerals are supposed to cover a number of items that are visually easy recognizable which is starting to get complicated even for the the higher numbers in the decimal system. So in my view it is good enough that the base of ten is divisible into half and fifths. The fractions of the duodecimal system are usually nothing but a pain in the behind. I much rather deal with decimal odds for instance. Give me 3.7 and 5.2 to compare and I know instantly what is meant compared to 11/12 and 5/7 which is only confusing.
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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


I don't know if they teach this in Germany, WB, but decimals and fractions are actually the same thing. Here, you can try it at home: just take the top number and divide it by the bottom one. Cool, huh?

But what does that have to do with 10 vs 12? Do you think I can't use a decimal point with a 12-base system? Well, actually I can't, I'd be forced to use a dozenal point, but I can still use a little dot to represent it. Or a comma, or whatever they use on that oversensitively dozenally-challenged continent of yours. Or maybe I'll use a slash, just to freak you out. Or one of those symbols they invented for the phone pad when they couldn't figure out how to stack 10 keys evenly.

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Pup wrote:
As for myself, I find the idea of a 'foot' far more intuitive than the estimated radius of the earth at an arbitrary point divided by ten million.
The original meter was based on one forty-millionth of the earth's circumferance, you can read all about it on Wiki Pup.

And Richard, no xcuse in the world can help you now, you are a doomed man forever...Newton as the unit for mass? #-o
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Re: Metric vs Imperial units



The only thing 'humna' about the 'foot' as a unit of measurement is that it shares the name of a human appendage. There is nothing remotely rational about the foot.

Howabout we use the 'hand' as a unit of measurement? At least that is supposed to be related to the human equivalent... :lol:
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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Pup, have a look at this, which is called fractional by William Hill


and this which is called decimal


I believe that very few people will figure the fractional view faster than the decimal. It simply needs more abstract thinking because most people can easily visualize decimal fractions. And that was my whole point. People who use decimal fractions are not dumber. They are simply using a more efficient system that allows them to be lazier, which is the whole point of engineering. The engineers who designed the first carriages or the aqueducts made their and their fellow contemporaries life easier.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Just_a_fan wrote:@Pup

The only thing 'humna' about the 'foot' as a unit of measurement is that it shares the name of a human appendage. There is nothing remotely rational about the foot.

Howabout we use the 'hand' as a unit of measurement? At least that is supposed to be related to the human equivalent... :lol:
Well, my friend who races horses would agree.

Yes, my foot is a few inches shy of a foot, even in Belgium; but my yard is far larger than a yard, so it works out in the end.

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


WhiteBlue wrote:Pup, have a look at this, which is called fractional by William Hill


and this which is called decimal


I believe that very few people will figure the fractional view faster than the decimal. It simply needs more abstract thinking because most people can easily visualize decimal fractions. And that was my whole point. People who use decimal fractions are not dumber. They are simply using a more efficient system that allows them to be lazier, which is the whole point of engineering. The engineers who designed the first carriages or the aqueducts made their and their fellow contemporaries life easier.
I still don't know why you're hung up on fractions. I'm fine with either, though I do think it's easier to think of Vettel as being 5/8 as skilled as Hamilton as opposed to 0.625. Likewise, when we hear that 9 out of 10 F1 fans think Michael Schumacher is a twat, we have an intuitive understanding that he needs to retire.

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


xpensive wrote:The original meter was based on one forty-millionth of the earth's circumferance, you can read all about it on Wiki Pup.
Oh snap. Now it all makes sense. :lol:

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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Imperial v metric a not about fractions or decimals. Both work with both. For example it is easy to say that xpensive earns a third of what I earn (decimal salary). Also my car shows that it is 67.2 miles to my in-laws house (imperial distance)

There are two dawbacks to imperial:

1 - Inconsisntant base units. A pint is 20 ounces, but a pound is 16 ounces. Also inch to foot to yard to mile

2 - Even if imperial was consistent with base 12 or 4 or 3, our method of writing only allows 10 digits.

Consistancy is key as the guys on Apollo 13 found out.
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Re: Metric vs Imperial units


Pup wrote:
xpensive wrote:The original meter was based on one forty-millionth of the earth's circumferance, you can read all about it on Wiki Pup.
Oh snap. Now it all makes sense. :lol:
That is not the point Pup, it's just yet another xample of how you "imperials" can't even get your facts straight,
which is a clear indication that you basically have no idea of what you are talking about.
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