Haug speaks, from autosport.com:
"With all respect and credit to them [RBR], it has taken time. We need to accept that it needs building up time.
"I'm not speaking about two years from now, but a longer period of time. If you achieve it [success] in less than five years without throwing money at it, which teams did in the past, then you are really very special."
When M-B decided to go into F1 directly, they should have and probably diddo a study, asking questions to determine what people thought of M-B as a leader in auto technology, performance, technical achievement, etc, etc. Periodically, they should be asking the same questions, to learn how their involvement in F1 has changed perceptions among the public. I did such programs long ago and far away. I'm glad I don't have to do them for M-B. I would think there is a good deal of perspiring (and preparing of resumes) going on among some of M-B's marketing and PR types. Debacle.