I've just re-read the Autosport story and the quotes from Honda and they both use the Terms "faulty" and "redesign" which are contradictory. Either the seal was faulty (IE Not made correctly to the design/quality requirements) so should just be replaced with a non-faulty item or the design was wrong in the first place in which case the seal wasn't faulty, the design was.
Perhaps they mean that the sealing system is faulty, IE that it doesn't work as intended due to an oversight at the design stage. From experience this can happen quite often as a few microns can be the difference between a seal working perfectly and oil/coolant pissing out everywhere (anyone remember the dyno' fire at HPP?) so can be a bit of a trial and error process.
With it being a 2 day turnaround I doubt they are changing the design of a rubber component as there isn't enough time to re-tool, likely if will be a change to the size/interference/tolerance on a machined housing that can be re-designed and re-made in a matter of hours.
That's just my speculation anyway, I don't think this is a serious thing at all but it is losing them valuable mileage.